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Tell ways you show respect for the rights of others?

You can show respect for the rights of others by not pushing your views, and beliefs on those who do not think the same way that you do. You can also show respect by not infringing on their space.

How science and technology affect man's belief practice and ways of thinking?

how science and technology affect peoples beliefs on thinking

What is a 8 letter word that describes willing to recognize and respect the beliefs and ways of others even if they are different from your own?


What are ways for students to show respect to adults?

if their beliefs are correct,i will support him.i will also respect him and his beliefs.but if i think that his beliefs are not correct,what is worse,his beliefs would harm others or disrupt public order,i will not agree him.i will educate him,i will influence him,by correct method.

Was Jesus Christ evil because he always condemned people and did not respect their different beliefs and moral values.?

No, He was (is) not evil. He was condemning people who were evil, did not respect their evil beliefs, and certainly spoke out against their evil values that were manifest in thier morale values (the fruit of their evil ways).

How is polytheism used now?

There are many Reconstructionist movements of Ancient polytheistic beliefs, as well as many modern ones.The polytheistic beliefs of ancient peoples has impacted our culture in many ways, from holidays,cities,ruins, and words to even modern religions and beliefs today.

How can i show someone at work that i do respect their values customs and beliefs?

You could demonstrate respect by actively listening to their perspective, acknowledging their values and beliefs, and refraining from making disrespectful comments or judgments. You could also engage in open and honest conversations to learn more about their customs and beliefs, showing a genuine interest in understanding and appreciating their viewpoints.

How does de Vaca show deep respect for native people?

De Vaca showed deep respect for native people by immersing himself in their culture, learning their language, and adapting to their ways of life. He treated them as equals and sought to understand their customs and beliefs without imposing his own beliefs on them. His willingness to learn from the native people and his efforts to help them when possible demonstrate his respect for their humanity and way of life.

Ways to respect curtural differences?

Respect them if they deserve respect otherwise dont.

How do you get your girlfriend to respect you?

Deserve respect. If you do and she doesn't, replace her. Remember always that respect has to run both ways.

Do peoples beliefs have an effect on their actions?

Yes, people's beliefs can strongly influence their actions. Their beliefs shape their values, attitudes, and behaviors, guiding how they interact with the world and make decisions. Strongly held beliefs can motivate individuals to take specific actions or behave in certain ways.

In what ways can you provide for peoples needs?

by giving them food