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14 days after ovulation or conception your serum hCG should be much higher, chances of the test being faulty are very small but if you still haven't started your period you might want to retest just to be sure.

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Q: Had a 0.0 - 3.0 result on blood pregnancy test its post 14 days of conception could the test be wrong?
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Could there be any conception or pregnancy problems with the blood type female O and male AB?

Sperm and eggs do not have specific blood types, so no.

Could there be any problem in conception for the second time if mother is Rh negative father is Rh positive and the first pregnancy was terminated after forty five days of conception?

If you had a properly supervised termination you should not have any problems. Conception should not be a problem, it is later in pregnancy that your blood may react to the baby's blood if the baby is Rh +, but your doctor will do blood tests for this.

Could you be pregnant 11 days after conception?

Yes; pregnancy begins as soon as conception is successful.

Could you tell if you were pregnant 2 days after conception?

Probably not. Most pregnancy tests say they can detect pregnancy around 7-14 days after conception.

Can pregnancy test be positive 4 days after Conceiving?

10 to 14 days. However, it isn't conception that matters. It's implantation.

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You need to confirm the positive pregnancy test result with your Doctor. See your Doctor for a pregnancy blood test. Pregnancy does cause a increase in vaginal discharge.

Where could one find a conception calculator?

One can find a conception calculator on the "BabyMed" website. The BabyMed conception calculator and reverse pregnancy due date calculator helps you find the possible conception date retrospectively. Just enter your due date, and the pregnancy conception date calculator will calculate the exact possible dates when you got pregnant.

How do you know if you have had a miscarriage on the 10th day after conception?

you may have what you think is a bad period and it could be a early miscarriage or a chemical pregnancy. You should go to a doctor to make sure, they can see if you have the pregnancy hormone in your blood or if you have any evidence of a miscarriage through an exam.

What if you are spotting blood and your stomach feels bigger?

it is quite likely that if you are spotting blood and your stomach feels bigger then you are pregnant. spotting blood is often a sypmtom of early pregnancy. if your stomach feels bigger, it could be the result of numerous things such as bloating, weight gain or pregnancy. if this is happening to you then i highly suggest you do a pregnancy test.

Can you have a phantom pregnancy if you have been sterilized ive felt dizzy nausea and sore breasts plus i have milk?

Yes you can but it is also possible for the sterilisation to of not completely sterilised you and this could result in pregnancy. See your doctor for a pregnancy blood test and a check on your hormones.

How does rh negative blood types affect pregnancy?

Having a negative rh blood type can seriously affect pregnancy and should be monitored closely. The possible incompatibility between the mother and the fetus could result in the mothers antibodies attacking the fetus as if it were a virus. This can be prevented by a shot roughly 28 weeks into the pregnancy.

What is the shortest amount of days conception could occur before a pregnancy test would be positive?

It takes 6 - 12 days for the fertilized egg to move down the fallopian tubes and implant into the uterus. Until implantation your body doesn't produce hCG (the pregnancy hormone). So it is in the outside relm of possibility that you could find out you are pregnant 7 days after conception. However, for most women it takes at least 2 weeks to get a positive result.