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YES!!! Unfortunately, there are many girls out there who become pregnant (for various reasons - usually rape) just before they've even had their first period. There are many reasons for why you may have skipped some periods (you didn't mention how many): if your body fat levels are extremely low (either due to athletics - very common in gymnists- or if you have an eating disorder). Periods can also be skipped due to extreme stress either emotional, physical, or mental. Some women never have regular periods and only get them every few months (like myself) but that does not mean that your body is not producing the necessary "equipment" to become pregnant. For specifics, and more accurate information you should contact your doctor. In the mean time, ALWAYS PRACTICE SAFE SEX - remember, a pregnancy is not the only thing you can get stuck with after a night of sex.

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16y ago
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16y ago

You need to see your doctor to find out why you are not having your period, especially for a whole year, something else maybe going on that needs attention immediately.

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12y ago

Most likely, you are pregnant if it has been two moths and if the condom broke. Good luck!!

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14y ago

Its unlikely but it can happen. There is a 3% chance of it happening but it still could.

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Q: If you had your period once and never got it again can you still get pregnant?
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Yes, before you get your period for the first time you ovulate so then you can get pregnant.

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If you are pregnant you will not have your period

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It is possible you could still be. If it is bothering you take a test. If your period is still late wait and take one again.

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It is rare, but you can be pregnant and still get your period.

Can you get pregnant 2 days before your period and have your period still come?

yes you can but it is very unlikely but it is still possible because my friend was pregnant and she was on her period and she thought she wern't but she was .. so if you think you are its always best to get checked out

Can you still get pregnant if you on your period?

no. if you happened to be pregnant and got your period its misscariage. there's no way you can have your period while pregnant .

If i gave up breastfeeding 3 months ago and you still havent had a period is this normal?

Yes, but you might be pregnant again.

Started my period on the 4th and ended on the 14.Got my period again on the 17 till this point i still have it can i be pregnant?

Not if you are on your period. If you have your regular period, you are not pregnant. It is when you miss your period that you might be pregnant. However, it does seem you should visit your gyno. You seem to be getting your period for a second time this month. This could indicate a medical condition. See your doctor.

If you have a period and are extremely emotional afterwards can you still be pregnant?

You could have gotten pregnant on your period

When on jasmin can you be pregnant and still get your period?

you can still have your period during pregnancy but it does not usually seem to be normal when you are pregnant mosly irregular