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You should be able to know by November 3rd, 2009.

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Q: Had intercurse on the 10-19-09 how long would you have to wait before you knew if you were pregnant?
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How long it would take before you know your pregnant?

3 months

Can you get pregnant the day before or day of getting your period?

My friend got pregnant on her period so i would say yes

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I would not, if it becomes septic and has to be removed it could put your baby at risk. Get it out before you get pregnant.

Can you get pregnant 2 days before you period if you are on the pill and using protection?

I would say it is 98% unlikely to get pregnant 2 days before you period while you're on the pill and using protection.

Is conception after your last period or before?

conception occurs appr 2 weeks after ur last period not before because if you got pregnant before your period your period would not come on conception occurs appr 2 weeks after ur last period not before because if you got pregnant before your period your period would not come on

If a person is two weeks pregnant and it use to hurt if they had to use the bathroom bad but now it doesn't even hurt can that be a procces of a miscarriage?

i don't think it would hurt to go to the bathroom if you were pregnant and i really would not know because i have never been pregnant before i guess it could be possible but again, i do not know because i have never been pregnant before

Can you be in gymnastics and be pregnant?

I would discuss this with your Dr before taking part in any related activities.

Can you smoke before a pregnancy blood test?

That would be really stupid if you think you're pregnant.

If you got pregnant on the 15th day after period that would be eight days before menstal cycle would you get period?

it isnot uncommon for a woman to have her period for up to 3 months after being pregnant.

You have headachs you cant poop are you pregnant?

You might be pregnant. You might not. The only thing certain is that you have a headache and constipation. My first guess would be dehydration before pregnancy.

Would you have a headache before you find out if im pregnant?

Not necessarily. If we talk about the first month you usually have no symptoms.

If a man ejaculated sperm in me 2 days before my ovulation can I become pregnant?

Yes you definitely could become pregnant. You would be very fertile around this time.