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I have had that also I have had 7 hernia repairs. Do not have it drained it will go away on its own it will reabsorb into your body. If you have it drained you run the risk of infection. Hope this helps I have been there too many times.

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Q: Had laparoscopic surgery to reapair inciscional hernia Now have large collection of fluid in the anterior abdominal wall above the umbilicus ct scan reveals no hernia identified Should needle be used?
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What activities are allowed after laparoscopic abdominal surgery?

They'll encourage you to walk at first. You've got to heal the abdominal wall before anything stenuous is allowed. Figure two weeks to get back to a normal ife style.

What are the types of incisions?

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What are the types of surgical?

There are numerous incisions a surgeon can choose. These choices are, midline, paramedian, mayo-robson, transverse, McBurney's, subcostal, pfannenstiel, lanz, thoraco-abdominal and laparoscopic.

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How can adhesions caused by endometriosis be removed?

may be removed by either traditional open abdominal or pelvic surgery or by laparoscopic surgery. In the latter technique the laparoscope includes a laser for destroying the tissue with heat.

What is the advantage of laparoscopy over traditional laparotomy?

recovery time following laparoscopic surgery is shorter and less painful than following a traditional laparotomy (a larger surgical incision into the abdominal cavity).

What is involved in robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery?

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How can the risk of developing adhesions be reduced?

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