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Q: Half of the polar bears in a small population die. This population may experience changes due to?
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What physical changes do polar bears experience from birth to adult?

they eat more,can swim better,and they are heavyer.

A good sentence for population?

There is not a big population of polar bears.

What was the polar bears population 2007?


What if climate changes where polar bears live?

they die.

Are there more polar bears now than there were 50 years ago?

Best evidence shows that fifty years ago, the worldwide population was between 7800-10,000 polar bears. After most nations curtailed hunting for the polar bears, the population began to increase. Today, the best estimates are 23000 to 25000 bears.

Why do hunters kill polar bears?

They kill Polar bears due to their own ignorance. The Polar bear population was listed as "threatened" by the US Department of the Interior in 2008.

How many polar bears live in Alaska?

None, Polar Bears live in the Arctic, which is the other side of the world to Antarctica.

Are polar bears nearly all gone?

Yes. There are more polar bears in Alaska because it has not been very effected by global warming and many polar bears in other places have starved and died populations have decreased by 50%

How do polar bears adapt to the weather changes?

their fur gets longer and darker

When were polar bears identified as endangered?

With a population approaching 25000 worldwide, the polar bear is considered threatened, not endangered.

Are there more than 1000 polar bears left in the world?

YES! And Canada is home to about 15,000 of the world's 25,000 polar bears, with their population increasing in the eastern Arctic.

What is the current status for polar bears?

They are considered threatened, but have a population of around 25,000.