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Excise Tax


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Q: Hamiltons economic measure repealed by Jefferson and Gallatin?
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When was the Hamiltonian economic measure repealed by Jefferson and Gallatin?

exise tax

What was the Hamiltonian economic measure repealed by Jefferson and Gallatin?

The Whiskey Tax (1791) was an excise tax that was designed to pay down the national debt. It resulted in the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794 and was repealed in 1801 by Thomas Jefferson and his Secretary of Treasury, Albert Gallatin.

Who repealed the alien and sedition acts?

Thomas Jefferson

What act repealed Jefferson's embargo act?

nonintercourse act

What tax did President Jefferson urge congress to repeal?

He repealed the Federal Whiskey Tax.

Why did Jefferson pass embargo act?

Visit like a bawss

When did the alien acts of 1798 expire?

They either expired or were quickly repealed when Jefferson became president in 1801.

What was Thomas Jefferson's view on naturalization act?

it was passed during Adam's presidency because immigrants usually favored Jefferson and voted for him, so Jefferson didn't like it. When he became president he repealed it in 1802.

Why did Jefferson decide to to repeal the judiciary act of 1801 once in office?

Jefferson repealed the Judiciary Act of 1801 once he was in office, because it reduced the number of Supreme Court justices from six to five, and limited Jefferson's ability to make Republican appointments. The act, created by Adams on his last day in office, also created a new system of circuit courts, with the judges appointed for life. Congress repealed the act, doing away with Adam's midnight appointees.

Upon becoming president Thomas Jefferson and the Republicans in Congress repealed what legislation enacted by the Adams administration?

The Judiciary Act of 1801.

Can amendments be repealed?

Amendments can be repealed. For example the 21st amendment.....

On becoming president Thomas Jefferson and the republicans in congress immediately repealed what?

On becoming president, Thomas Jefferson and the Republicans in Congress immediately repealed the Alien and Sedition Acts. They believed that these acts violated the freedom of speech and press, and were against their principles of limited government and individual rights. Repealing these acts was a priority for them in order to restore civil liberties and protect the rights of American citizens.