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I believe you mean to say "Does a double bass read from bass or treble clef?" The answer to that is bassists almost always read bass clef. But very good bassists that play very high read treble clef often and sometimes tenor clef.

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Q: Has a double bass use bass or treble or other?
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What is the double bass?

Double Bassists generally use bass clef. However, they do also use tenor clef and sometimes treble for notes of higher pitches.

What clefis double bass written in?

Double Basses normally play in the Bass Clef. On the other hand, they sometimes use Tenor Clef and I have seen Treble clef used for higher notes but transposed an octave lower than written.

What is the double basses clef?

Double Bassists generally use bass clef. However, they do also use tenor clef and sometimes treble for notes of higher pitches.

What clef does the play in?

The piano uses both the Treble clef (for higher pitches) and the Bass clef (for lower pitches). It plays in the key of C. Sometimes it is misinterpreted that the Treble clef is for the rigth hand and the Bass clef if for the left hand. This isn't true. Both hands can use the Treble clef or Bass clef, or even the right hand can use the Bass clef and the left hand can use the Treble clef.

Is alto higher than bass and treble?

When you are speaking of singing voices, the usual four are (from high to low) soprano, alto, tenor and bass. So alto does sing higher than bass. When you are speaking of written staffs, the two staffs are treble (higher) and bass (lower). An alto singing part is typically written on the treble staff; but the alto range extends down (using ledger lines below the staff) into notes that can also be written on the bass staff.

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Usualy I use Bass-5 Gain-9 Mids-7-8 Treble-10

What key does a flute play in?

The piano uses both the Treble clef (for higher pitches) and the Bass clef (for lower pitches). It plays in the key of C. Sometimes it is misinterpreted that the Treble clef is for the rigth hand and the Bass clef if for the left hand. This isn't true. Both hands can use the Treble clef or Bass clef, or even the right hand can use the Bass clef and the left hand can use the Treble clef.

Lower sounding instruments read their notes in the?

Bass Clef Mostly. Some however, still use the treble clef.NOTE: The viola uses the viola clef and the piano/keyboard uses both treble and bass.

What does the flute play treble clef or bass clef?

Bass, but sometimes tenor when playing higher music. You'll sometimes come across treble clef in French and Belgian publications. It is used to avoid extra leger lines above the tenor clef.

Is the harp treble clef or bass clef?

actually basses can play on three clefs bass clef, tenor clef, and treble clef, its rare for basses to use to treble but it is used when the notes get higher and higher. so they can play both but mostly bass clef

How many clefs are there?

Contrary to what most people believe (3 clefs: Bass, Treble, Alto), there are actually 7 that I know of. Yes, some are Treble, Bass, and Alto. But, there are four more: Soprano, Mezzo Soprano, Baritone, and Tenor. I believe Tenors usually use Baritone Clef though.

What is the name of the symbol use to describe a set of pitches?

Treble clef, or Bass clef. treble is more soprano and alto. when bass clef is obviously more bass baratone and somtimes tenor.