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I had tumescent liposculpture on my upper and lower abs, love handles in the front and back (they call this hips). It worked great! I saw final results in 6 months, with improvement along the way.

I had a lot of bruising in the waist area, but I was up and caught a plane the next day. The surgery did not keep me bed ridden. I did everything I would normally do in a day. The bruising cleared in a week.

After the surgery I dieted off another 8 lbs. With the combination of both, I went from a size 12/14 in jeans down to a size 6, 6 months later.

The cost was a fraction of Liposuction. I paid $5900 for all areas. The procedure for all 5 areas took about 3 1/2 hours and I was awake through the whole thing. The only painful part during the surgery was when they went near my belly button. They said that was normal. There was no pain in any other part of the abs, hips or waist.

What a confidence booster! Everyone thought I had my boobs done, but it was just the upper abs sucked out so it made my chest look better and perkier! A must do if you don't like the way you look.

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Q: Has anybody had tumescent liposculpture Tummy liposuction?
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What is better liposuction or tummy tuck?

Liposuction or tummy tuck, depends on your physique. If you have a hanging skin then tummy tuck is required to be done else liposuction should be done. A patient whose abdominal area has loose excess skin, or significant stretch marks will need a tummy tuck and will not benefit from liposuction alone. This is because liposuction is a procedure that only removes fat.Liposuction is intended to treat localized fatty deposits that are out of proportion with your body as a whole.

Is liposuction of 28 inch waist possible?

You should only consider liposuction if you have excess fat on your tummy.

How much does it cost to have liposuction and tummy tuck done?

Liposuction averages $5,175. A Tummy Tuck averages $7,975. Typically, one would not need both, unless once they receive liposuction they have a lot of excessive skin. If a patient has just a little fat, but is in more need to the tummy tuck, the Surgeon will typically perform some liposuction for body contouring, which is why it is a bit more in cost.

Is it normal to have liposuction after tummy tuck?

Many Plastic Surgeons do not like to attempt too much liposuction at the same time as performing a tummy tuck. If a lot of liposuction is required they may suggest coming back for a second procedure in the interests of safety

What are the dangers of a tummy tuck and liposuction?

The main dangers of a tummy tuck and liposuction are infection. All surgeries carry this risk. In addition, you can get scarring, and excess skin, which might have to be removed by another operation.

What does the liposuction tummy tuck do?

Liposuction/Tummy Tuck is a plastic surgery that reduces weight in a female or male. This surgery can be pretty expensive and painful. You must be prepared to heal for several days after this type of surgery.

What is the difference between a liposuction versus a tummy tuck?

The main difference is that a tummy tuck is a major cosmetic surgery with recovery time whereas a liposuction is less invasive and involves only a very small incision. Liposuction is to remove small pockets of fat whereas a tummy tuck removes large band of fat around the waist.

What is the price for liposuction and tummy tuck?

The price of liposuction varies depending on one's location and the liposuction provider. In the United States it can cost as little as $700 and as much as $3000. Typically it costs between $1500 and $2000.

What are the long turn effects of a liposuction tummy tuck?

"There are many long term side effects of liposuction. Some of these include: dimpling, scars, pain, and numbness. More serious side effects can occur from liposuction on the thighs."

How to Determine if Liposuction is Right for You?

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery that consists of the removal of excess fat. Sometimes the procedure is called body contouring as it shapes the body and smooth’s irregular shapes. Liposuction can be performed on a variety of different body parts. Contouring can be done under the chin, cheeks, breasts, buttocks, abdomen, calves and upper arms. Liposuction is considered a major surgery and can involve a painful recovery. Some procedures can have fatal complications and can result in death. There are several different types of liposuction procedures available. A fluid injection liposuction treatment is called a Tumescent Procedure. This is the most common procedure out there. A large amount of solution Is injected into the area prior to fat removal. Epinephrine is then administered to reduce blood loss, bruising and swelling. This procedure takes longer than any other liposuction procedure. The super-wet technique is somewhat like the tumescent procedure. There is more fluid used in the tumescent procedure than the super-wet procedure. This procedure takes less time than the tumescent procedure and requires IV sedation or general anesthesia. There is also the ultrasound assisted procedure. This is a relatively new procedure where vibrations are used to break down and liquefy fat. Once the cells are liquefied, they are removed via vacuum. There are two ways that this can be done. Internally, which is below the skin surface, or externally, which is above the surface of the skin. Once the procedure is done, there may be tubes inserted to drain blood and fluid that may build up in the days after the surgery. If there is extreme blood and fluid loss, IV fluid replacement may be necessary. Liposuction is not typically substituted for diet and exercise or a cure for obesity. It is not recommended for cellulite treatment or on the sides of the breast. The sides of the breast are common areas for cancer. There are other options to avoid liposuction such as tummy tucks, fatty tumor removal, and breast reduction.

How much does liposuction cost in Canada?

I live in London, Ontario, and I payed $8,000 for mine. It was in the tummy area.

What are the possible complications involved in a tummy liposuction surgery?

There are a number of possible unfortunate side effects after liposuction, including infection, embolisms, visceral perforations, swelling, and seroma, to name a few.