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No known person has been through a black hole. The nearest known stable (stellar mass) black hole is too far away for us to reach with our current technology, and an encounter with one would almost certainly be fatal.

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Q: Has anyone been through a black hole?
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Who saw the Black Hole through a telescope?

No one has "seen a black hole" but evidence of where a black hole must be has been observed.

Did anyone been into the black hole?

Yeah magic Johnson was said to have conquered the black hole. That's how he got 'magic' in his name. 2012 Olympics.

Did anyone explore a black hole?

No. We have never even directly observed a black hole; only the effects of what we think are black holes. The nearest black holes are many light years away, much farther than we have ever been eable to explore. We can only observe through telescopes.

Can a black hole travel through space?

Yes, a black hole could travel through space.

What would happen if the earth passed through a black hole?

One does not simply "pass through" a black hole.

Can a space ship go through a black hole without crashing?

there is no way for a ship to go through a black hole because the black hole rips the atoms from the object the come to it and spreads all the atoms around the black hole

Wuld you get killed if you went through a black hole?

You don't go through a black hole, you go into a black hole. And with present day technology, yes, it would crush you to raw energy.

Is there going to be a black hole tommorow?

No. Tomorrow has been and gone and no black hole has appeared.

Name five galaxies believed to have black holes?

Pick anyone and there will be black hole in it.

Can gamma ray pass through black hole?

No. Nothing can pass through a black hole. Once something enters it can never leave.

Can light shine through a black hole?


What can get sucked by a black holes?

Anything and anyone that ventures too close to a black hole can be pulled into it.