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I passed an etg test 50 hours after drinking heavily. Everyone metabolizes at a different speed. The 72-80 hours detection is for extreme cases and not the norm. It is possible to test positive after 72 hours but it is rare. After 48 hours the percentages of detection drop greatly.

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Q: Has anyone passed a etg test?
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How can you pass an etg test 50 hours after drinking?

I passed one after 55

What is an ETG test?

The ETG test is the Ethyl Glucuronide test. It is used to test for alcohol in urine. When ETG is found in the urine, it indicates that alcohol was consumed recently.

Can etg tests test for cocaine?

This is going to be a weird answer. EtG tests will not test for cocaine. They only test for a metabolite of alcohol called ethyl gluconoride--and I think it's a mistake to test for this because any topical product containing "SD Alcohol 40" (SD means "specially denatured") like hand sanitizer will cause your body to produce EtG. The EtG test has caused many nurses to lose their jobs, which is strange because nurses use huge amounts of hand sanitizer. OTOH, anyone testing for EtG is also going to test for cocaine, so the answer is, "EtG tests won't detect cocaine but if you're using cocaine and get tested for EtG you'll still get busted for cocaine."

Will Tussionex affect an etg test?

Anything that contains alcohol, even mouthwash, will affect an ETG test.

How do they test the etg test?

From a sample of urine.

Will you pass an etg if you drank 3 drinks on Saturday and you test is on Tuesday?

No, you would not be able to pass an EtG test.

Was anyone able to answered the question what is a standard alcohol test for probation other than the ETG?

Yes, see the link below.

Does the military test for etg?


Does a etg test just test for alcohol?

It tests for Ethylglucuronide (ETG)--Alcohol, Creantanine levels, Specific Gravity, Nitirite, and ph.

Will water dilute an etg test?

Water can dilute an ETG test. However, you will have to drink a large amount of water for the dilution process.

What to buy at GNC to pass a etg alcohol test?

Nothing gmc does not offer anything to pass a drug test or clean out your system

Does dallas county use etg test for alcohol?

Yes they do. When you sign the release for look and see which Panel test they seleccted. If they choose Panel C then it will be a ETG test.