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Boy let me tell you, if you fire up one of these things and have a little champagne and fruit you better be in really good shape. Enough said

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Q: Has anyone tried the new Comfort Candle line at Candles By Victoria?
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Has anyone tried the Glitter Candles at Candles By Victoria?

Yes it's awesome!

Has anyone tried Candles By Victoria She has a great website with a ton of scents just wondering how her candles were wwwcandlesbyvictoriacom if your interested?

7/22/09 Yes, I have purchased a good amount of candles from Candles by I have burned many different brands of candles and nothing has compared to Candles by Victoria. The candles are very fragrant and the owner is very nice. They are the only candle I will ever spend my money on. She offers a very good variety of candles and tarts and offers over 500 scents!!! I highly recommend

Can you use a Yankee Candle at Christmas time?

Yes Yankee Candle do offer scented candles with a christmas theme. Check out their pine scented candle, or apple pie, an aroma anyone would love.

Are candles a demonic symbol?

No, candles are not demonic symbols. Candles are used for many purposes, including religious rites. And this can include any practitioner or any belief. The only symbology of the candle is that placed on it by a user. And anyone looking at a candle can and may impose his own symbolism to the humble candle. It can have any or no meaning at all, and, if it has meaning, it is subjective. Candles are used commonly in a Christian Catholic church, or a demonic or satanistic ritual. Black candles are used in satanic rituals. Black representing darkness or Satan, while white candles represent purity or the light of Christ.

Are candles really worth it?

It is truley a personal preference, anyone can have different opinions on whether a candle is truley worth it. Depends how much it costs, how much you need it and whether you like or not. It all depends...

Who is Victoria dating anyone?

i think Victoria is not dating anyone

How do you light a Hanukkiyah?

The Chanukah menora - or chanukiyah - is lit every night over eight nights of Chanukah. First, set up your oil wicks/candles: Start with one on the first night, two on the second, etc. Plus, each night there is an extra candle called the 'shamash' that serves as the service candle; it's this candle you actually light with the match and use to light the others. There are 3 blessings to say before you do the actual lighting. One is said only on the first night - that is the 'she-hechiyanu' blessing. The other two are said every night. Once the blessings have been said (or sung) there are a few Chanukah songs you can choose to sing. It's good to be festive and hang around the candles while they are burning. Tip: The holiday is celebrating the miracle of the Temple's oil lasting for eight days, and in actuality, it is better to use an oil menora/chanukiyah than candles. But candles are fine too, according to Jewish law.

Does anyone like candles?


Does anyone have any table decoration ideas for a Christian sign language dinner theater Candles flowers candy hats and pots already usedTHX?

White candle and black wax in the shape of Jesus. The black wax is the look-alike of Jesus.

What does a girl's sweet 16 consist of?

1. A A candle lighting ceremony where you get a base and 16 candles (If you look up sweet sixteen candle ceremony and go to google images you could see one) and one for good luck. You pick 16 very important people to light a candle. There is an order but you don't have to go by it though. But the order isCandle 1- Parents Candle 2-Godparents Candle 3-Siblings or Grandparents Candles 4-7 Other Family members Candles 8-14 Friends Candle 15 Best friend Candle 16 Boyfriend or anyone close Candle 17 you light for good luck You introduce each person by saying something quick about them and they come up and light a candle with you. You could have your DJ play a special song for each person if you like. 2.Shoe ceremony where you sit in a chair and your dad or uncle or grandfather brings over a pillow with high heels on them and helps you in your heels it symbolize you growing into a women 3.Tiara ceremony where your mom or aunt or grandma brings a pillow with a tiara and "crowns" you it also symbolize growing into a women. 4. Video Montage made by a friend or family member or yourself to represent you growing up the last picture should be you in your Sweet 16 dress Hope I helped have a great party!

What is a Christmas candle set worth?

Whatever anyone is willing to pay for it.

Why would anyone need a candle plate?

A candle plate is a very useful item. They are used to catch the wax that may drip to the base of a burning candle. They can also be decorative and pretty.