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Yes. I have been diagnosed with bipolar for about 5 years. I occasionally experience depersonalization (like yesterday). I've been going through a somewhat manic phase and upset it further by staying up till 4am. The next day, I kept forgetting where I had been, everything looked unfamiliar, and I felt like I was not really controlling my body... like I was sitting in a chair in my head, watching a video.

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Q: Has anyone with bipolar experienced depersonalization?
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I think I have depersonalization depression and maybe bipolar?

If you are worried that you are suffering from depersonalization depression and bipolar disorder, you will need to see a doctor. A doctor can offer treatment.

What are major dissociative symptoms experienced by DID patients?

The major dissociative symptoms experienced by DID patients are amnesia, depersonalization, derealization, and identity disturbances.

When is Depersonalization common?

Depersonalization as a symptom (not as a disorder) is quite common in college-age populations

Can bipolar disorder misunderstand feelings?

Yes, more then a someone with our bipolar disorder but, anyone can misunderstand their own feellings.

What diagnosis is likely for a person who feels detatched while engaging in self-injuring behavior?

Depersonalization disorder or dissociative identity disorder may be considered, as feeling detached from oneself while engaging in self-injuring behavior can be indicative of a dissociative disorder. It is important for the individual to seek a mental health professional for a proper evaluation and diagnosis.

Can you develop bipolar disorder from depression?

yes they can. anyone can become depress

Is controlling others and situations a symptom of BiPolar disorder?

no more than in anyone else.

How do you talk to somebody who has bipolar disorder?

Just like you'd talk to anyone else.

Bipolar disorders stereotypes?

Some common stereotypes about bipolar disorder include that it involves frequent mood swings, that everyone with bipolar disorder is violent or unstable, and that people with the disorder cannot lead successful lives. It is important to remember that individuals with bipolar disorder are unique and may experience a wide range of symptoms and levels of functioning.

Can an emontional mental breakdown cause bipolar disorder?

not always because bipolar runs in the family and anyone can have an emontioal mental break down but people have shown that can be the course but you will only get bipolar disorder if any of your family have it as it only runs in the family

Is ther a connection to high IQ and bipolar disorder?

Not that anyone can prove. There are theories that bipolar people may have better imagination and creativity - read Touched with Fire, by Kay Jameson.

How often is depersonalization in schizophrenia?

Depersonalization disorder is present in Schizophrenics in most cases, But Schizophrenics tend to develop Psychosis which disables them completely from reality, thus Schizophrenics are not aware nor can tell the difference between the internal and external world. Whereas individuals with Depersonalization disorder temporarly have fragmentation of reality.