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Q: Has definite arrangement of particles
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What solids have a random arrangement of particles?

A glass has a random arrangement of particles. They are often called amorphous, which means without shape. Contrast with a crystal, which has a definite arrangement of particles.

What distinguishes crystals from other solid matter?

crystals differ from solid matter from the fact that there is definite arrangement of the various constituting particles in the three dimensiomal space i.e, in the space lattice and there exist electrostatic forces of attraction between the various particles but in case of solids there can be definite arrangement of particles but the forces of interaction are generally metallic, covalent or any other

Why cleavage of the crystals is itself anisotropic behavior?

cleavage is an isotropic behaviur discuss

What is the arrangement of water molecules in the gaseous liquid and solid?

In a solid state, particles vibrate because there's not a lot of space for them to move in. A solid has a definite shape and volume. In a liquid state, particles flow past one another because there is no definite shape but there's a definite volume. In a gas state, particles move really fast because there's no definite shape or volume.

Molecule arrangement of liquid?

The state of matter that has a definite volume but not a definite shape

What is it calles when a solid does not have a orderly arrangement of particles?

Most solids do not have an orderly arrangement of particles: these are non-crystalline solids.

What is the arrangement of soil particles called?

Soil Structure.

What kind of shape volume and particles solid have?

solid have definite shape , definite volume and close together particles

How are the particles in a liquid different from the particles in a solid?

a gas have no definite shape so the particles can move around freely but in a liquid ,which has a definite shape, particles move around but are restricted

What are the arrangement of particles in a pancake?

the arrangement of particles in a pancake are that when you prepare the pancake with the ingredients it turns into a liquid and then when you cook it change into a solid

What are particles in an orderly arrangement?


A liquid substance _______. A. has particles packed tightly together B. has definite volume C. has definite shape D. has particles arranged in a regular pattern?

has definite volume