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Yes. They have won a lot. We have actually won almost all of them. In the Vietnam War we had to fall back, though.

Two American attempts to invade and forcibly annex Canada, in 1775 and 1812, both failed completely.

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12y ago
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john fairhurst

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3y ago
Bay of Pigs must be in the loss column.
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12y ago
Answer:Vietnam for sure, and maybe Iraq? Maybe others?

The war of 1812 is another. Some prefer to call it as a stalemate, but the evidence is rather stark.

The United States started a war and launched a full-scale invasion of Canada, with the express intent of forcibly annexing it. It failed entirely, losing a long series of battles to Canadian militia, aboriginal tribes, and smaller numbers of British troops, and losing Detroit, Buffalo, and Fort Dearborn (Chicago) in the subsequent retreat.

The British naval blockade did so much economic damage that the seven New England states openly discussed seceding from the Union.

Britain barely noticed: it was fighting its biggest war in centuries, against Napoleon's empire. When it won that, it prepared to ship hundreds of thousands of soldiers to North American (compared to the 5200 defending Canada in June of 1812). The US, knowing that, asked for talks, and Britain, weary of war, agreed.

The mere existence of Canada today is proof that the US takeover attempt ended with a loss.

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16y ago

Operation Desert Storm, January to Febuary 1991; was the quickest, cleanest, most perfect military campaign conducted in US Military History! Less than 200 US fatalities, completed in about 45 days, with maximum destruction on enemy forces, and a clean clear cut non-debatable victory! No enemy in our history ever surrendered so quickly!

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13y ago

The war on terror is the last war, though it is not completely ended yet.

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