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I checked the mattel website, and it isn't listed.

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Q: Has there been a recall on Fisher-Price Dora Saves the Mermaids Sparkle Twirl Mermaid Dora toy?
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What is it worth

How do you get the powers like in H2O just add water?

Excuse me? Mermaids aren't real, sweetie :)

What was the name of the pipe in The Little Mermaid?

Pipe Down! I cannot recall a pipe- either a signal horn or the tobacco variety in this story

What newspapers have mermaids and mermen?

Fishy as it sounds, I cannot recall a Newspaper comic strip or cartoon dealing with , shall we say seaborne humanoid life. Aquaman and company were on TV cartoons and in comic books- but not as a newspaper strip. glug glug and dial H=-two )OH./ Lori Lemaris was a good Mermaid princess- and diplomat ( spy in some quarters!) character in Superman comics. She , alas, never made the newspaper comic scene.

How did the ship sink in Frozen?

I don't recall the movie specified but presumably it sank during a storm. That's typically how ships sink in Disney movies (Tarzan, The Little Mermaid, Swiss Family Robinson)

Who are the actors and actress in the little mermaid?

It was a cartoon, so technically, one does not have actors and actresses, but voicers and voice talent. Sometimes they do not give credit. Buddy Hackett ( one of his last roles) voiced one of the seagulls. I am not aware who the principal players were- this was not given up in lights treatment. On the other hand in Anastasia ( also a cartoon film but NOT a Disney opus) Meg Ryan played the title character and her leading man, Special Agent Dimitri ( IKGB man) was voiced by a well-known actor I can't recall his name. The role of the Dowager Empress Marie fell to Angela Lansbury. I don't recall the names of the voice actors and actresses in ( mermaid) In kiddy cartoons they are rarely (Up front).

Why did Walt Disney write The Little Mermaid?

The tale is quite different than the Disney cartoon. it is more or less a morality tale against Miscegeneation- again with Parental defiance the Mermaid goes to the sea witch ( a more or less friendly character in the story- not the movie) and she does get her ground legs- she also loses- first her voice and eventually her life- for making love to a Non-Atlantean-- she dissolves into the water- well ahead of schedule- in the tale I seem to recall ( this was omitted in Disney version) Mermaids live for a maximum span of 300 years ( three times the human max)- and then effevesce or dissolve into the ocean form- so there are no Mermaid bodies washing ashore- fossils, etc- this is a neat science fiction touch to explain the lack of Mermaid bodies or fossils!

What is a recall?

a recall is when you reply somebody

What is a sentence with recall?

I had to recall the information from memory during the exam.

Can you use the word recall in a sentence?

Sure! "I couldn't recall where I left my keys after getting home yesterday."

What is a recall veto?

There is no such thing as a "recall veto"

What is beyond recall type of question?

recall type beyond recall opinion based question