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Q: Has two distinct sizes of crystals?
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Related questions

What are crystals sizes?

All crystals are diffrent sizes ?

What is crystal sizes?

Fine, crystals less than 1mm

What is the scientific definition of a snowflake?

It is not scientific, it is plain and simple. Snowflakes are two snow crystals that when supercooled as entering the atmosphere freeze into different shapes and sizes.

What type of igneous rock has 2 sizes of crystals?

waka flakas head

What rock has large inter grown crystals in thin bands?

Gneiss is a type of metamorphic rock that often exhibits large intergrown crystals in thin bands. It forms from the transformation of pre-existing rocks under high temperature and pressure conditions, resulting in a banded appearance with distinct layers of different mineral compositions and grain sizes.

Can large crystals be found in rocks?

Yes, rocks can contain a variety of crystal sizes.

Can two distinct points both exist on two distinct lines?

No. Two distinct points define a single line.

Is granite homogeneous?

No. If you look at granite you can see that there are distinct crystals of diferent minerals. Thus, granite is heterogeneous.

How are crystals of minerals are classified?

Mineral crystals are divided into six distinct mineral crystal systems based on geometry and angles between axes. Crystals can further be subdivided into categories of 'habit', the crystals' variety of appearances in nature. Examples of habit are boytroidal, globular, massive, euhedral, drusy, acicular, and so on.

Do crystals have the same shapes?

Crystals of the same substance form a similar structure in nature, but there are many basic crystaline structures in different substances

Does boiling salt water leave residue?

Yes it does. The water evaporates off leaving salt crystals behind. Depending on how fast you evaporate the water, different sizes of crystals are formed. The slower you evaporate, the larger the crystals.

Which has smaller crystals basalt or granite?

i think that basalt is the smaller crystals out of the two, as the crystals in granite are larger.