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Q: Has wide teeth and powerful jaws for chewing tough bamboo leaves. What is it?
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What has wide teeth and powerful jaws for chewing though bamboo leaves?


What animal has powerful teeth and jaws for chewing bamboo?

Panda Bears do.

How did red pandas adapt to eating bamboo?

The teeth are wide and the jaws are powerful; they are necessary to chew tough bamboo leaves.ed pandas have an extra "thumb," which is simply an enlarged bone. The claws are sharp and partly retractible. The teeth are wide and the jaws are powerful; they are necessary to chew tough bamboo leaves.

What are the most powerful teeth in your mouth?

the most powerful teeth are wisdom teeth because the leverage and angle in the mouth gives the powerful force

Do grasshoppers have chewing teeth?

No grasshoppers do not have chewing teeth

How do red pandas adapt to eat bamboo?

The teeth are wide and the jaws are powerful; they are necessary to chew tough bamboo leaves.ed pandas have an extra "thumb," which is simply an enlarged bone. The claws are sharp and partly retractible. The teeth are wide and the jaws are powerful; they are necessary to chew tough bamboo leaves.

Do giraffes teeth cut and rip the leaves?

Giraffes use their flexible lips and long tongues to pluck leaves. Then they use their teeth to chew up the leaves. Chewing is an important part of digestion for most herbivorous mammals.

How long are pandas teeth?

Since pandas spend most of their time eating tough, nutrition-poor bamboo, strong teeth and jaws are very important to a panda's survival. Giant pandas have large molars (flat teeth used for crushing food). They also have a few sharp teeth which they use to bite tough bamboo stalks. Pandas have 42 teeth. They also have strong jaw muscles which they use for chewing tough bamboo.

What is the difference between cow and tiger teeth?

Even though pandas are thought to be a cute little creature that just eats bamboo. Well actually bamboo is one of the hardest woods that there are. So pandas teeth are razor sharp talons of death. Clarification: Pandas do not eat the wood of the bamboo plant, they eat the leaves and shoots.

Do koalas have flat teeth?

Koalas have flat molars to grind the eucalyptus leaves they eat. However, they also have sharp incisors which they use to nip off the leaves before chewing them.

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How an panda is adapted to its environment?

The panda has a special lining through its digestive system that protects it even when it eats bamboo. It also have flat teeth for chewing and a black and white coat that keeps them warm.