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At this stage probably not, however it may be a good idea to see a doctor with your problem as these sort of symptoms may lead to some thing serious.

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Q: Have I lost my baby I am bleeding had one blood clot and I feel sick?
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Blood clot in your left leg and you can feel that it is moving upwards what should you do?

call a doctor or get to the hospital fast

What does the blood clot look like when you miscarry and pass the baby?

Just miscarried today at six weeks. I woke up covered in blood. Went to the bathroom. I could feel the blood clots as they passed so they were pretty big. I have been aware of it for three hours and I am still passing big clots of blood.

How long do you apply pressure to a wound to stop bleeding?

That all depends on the person and the depth of the cut, where the cut is etc... If it is severe, on a vein, bleeding profusely, go to the doctor or call 911 immediately. If it's a little cut that is just pestering, try pouring white sugar on it. The sugar does NOT burn at all, you won't feel it. The sugar will help to clot the cut. It will soak up the blood and create a makeshift scab until the blood will clot on it's own. Don't peel it off, wash it clean with warm water and antibacterial soap after at least an hour.

Should breakthrough bleeding look and feel like you're on your period?

Vaginal bleeding is a period, not sure what you mean. If you have a cut down there when you wipe if you see a small amount of blood. but if there is blood in the tiolet and alot of blood on the tissue then that's a period.

What does the tissue look like when you miscarriage at 8 weeks?

You will see some tissue and when you feel something bigger than a blood clot that's the baby, it is small and it will be in like a sack and sack will be red of course, but if you can somehow rinse it off u can see a clear coat over you baby. You will have a lot of blood clots after and tissue and discharge after baby's out. I would also like to say sorry about your loss.

What is wrong if you have a low platelet count?

Thrombocytopenia, or thrombopenia, is defined as the abnormally low presence or absence of platelets in blood. Platelets are small cell fragments found in blood that are essential for hemostasis and formation of clots. A normal platelet count for an adult is 150,000 to 450,000 platelets per microlitre of blood. However, there are always anomalies where people may have exceedingly high or low levels of platelets and still be perfectly healthy. However, when platelet counts drop to levels below 50,000 platelets per microlitre, a patient is generally defined as having clinic thrombocytopenia. Symptoms of thrombopenia include bruising that does not go away (purpura), small haemorrhages on skin and mucous membranes, blood filled bubbles in mouth, nosebleeds and bleeding gums. People may feel generally ill, with fatigue and weakness. Severe thrombopenia leads to spontaneous bruising on body. These symptoms occur because platelets serve to clot broken blood vessels. Clotting is a mechanism where platelets are sent to a broken are of vein, artery, or capillary, where they congeal into a mass that staunches bleeding. When one does not have enough platelets, the body is unable to stop bleeding in an efficient manner. Symptoms include bruising that does not go away (purpura), small hemhorrages on skin and mucous membranes, blood filled bubbles in mouth, nosebleeds and bleeding gums. People may feel ill, with fatigue and weakness. Clotting is a mechanism where platelets are sent to a broken are of vein, artery, or capillary, where they congeal into a mass that staunches bleeding. When one does not have enough platelets, the body is unable to stop bleeding in an efficient manner

Why can i feel mucus in my throat that won't go away after snorting coke for 4 months?

That's a blood clot, protecting your throat from irritation from the baby laxatives your coke is cut with. Try gargling ginger ale (extra pale) with lemon juice.

Do you feel your period?

Some women may feel it but like me I don't I don't realise I'm bleeding till I see blood on my pants

Why do people with nose bleeds sit with their heads forward?

because they are trying to encourage the blood and the blood clot to get out of their nose ,also some people feel weird when the put their head back and they might faint

Why does the blood not clot in body?

The saliva of the leech has some enzymes that prevent the blood from clotting and thin it out a bit. This is the reason that leeches are still used in medicine, they are placed in areas where there is bad blood flow, such as newly reattached fingers.

Can a woman who is pregnant but bleeding feel the baby move inside?

Hi, Its very very unlikely to feel the baby moving in your Uterus until your in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Having a normal period every month, is definitely not pregnancy related.

Will eating after an extraction potentially cause problems or pain?

Yes! Anything that can remove the blood clot that has formed in the socket after an extraction can cause pain. It usually takes a day or two once the blood clot is removed before you feel the pain. Dry socket (removal of the blood clot) can occur from physically dislodging the blood clot with food, tooth pick, toothbrush or any other object... and it can also occur from swishing too vigorously or drinking through a straw. It is most common when lower teeth are extracted. The first day after extractions you are recommended to eat soft foods that are not too warm nor too cold.