

Have a bad heart. What is the best cardio for me?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Have a bad heart. What is the best cardio for me?
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What does the suffix cardio mean?

Cardio- is a prefix, and it means "heart."

Tissues of the heart?

Are called CARDIO- ; as in cardio-vascular, and cardio-implant.

What is peri cardio?

"Peri" means around and "cardio" means heart, therefore peri cardio means around the heart.

Pertaining to the heart-?

Cardio means: pertaining to the heart. cardiac

What is cardio respetory?

Cardio-respiratory - refers to the heart and lungs.

Why does exercise reduce the risk for heart diseese?

Cardio is the best from of excersize for keeping your heart healthy. Examples are Running, Walking, ETC.

What is a normal heart rate when working on a fat burning cardio routine?

The answer really depends on your age. The best way to obtain a maximum heart rate for you during a fat burning cardio workout is to subtract your age from 220.

Yes that exercise affect the heart rate?

Cardiovascular or "Cardio" exercise increases heart rate. The word root "cardio-" means "heart".

What Cardio Equipment can be used if you have heart trouble?

It is best that you consuilt your doctor before starting a cordio routine.

Where does a heart attack occur in the heart?

cardio muscle

How do you do intense cardio?

Cardio is basically eveyrthing that gets you breathing hard and your heart rate up. Intense cardio is anything that will get your heart rate and breathing really up there.

What kinds of cardio exercises will help me burn the most fat?

The best types of cardio that help you lose weight are the types which really get your heart rate going. The faster your heart rate, within reason, the more calories you are burning.