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It's probably just working out pain or you pulled some muscles. Think about what you've been doing lately....does that make sense? Well, if it doesn't go away after a couple weeks...see your doctor, but remember...some pulled muscles may last longer than this. Rub it and do some post-stretching!

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Q: Have pain in inner part of thighs and left inner arm?
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in my opinion its because main aorta branch proceeds to left side(left arm), that's why we observe noticeable rythmic vibrations in left part. as it happens in main symptom of heart attack, left arm pain along with chest pain and vibrating left arm.

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Yes, the word thighs is a noun, the plural for of the noun thigh, a body part, a thing.

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Thighs are the juiciest part of the chicken or turkey because they are the fattiest parts. They are also dark meat of the bird, which is naturally more moist.

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The inner core

What are the causes of groin injuries?

a groin injury is when you stretch too far or when you hurt the inside part of your thighs or the upper part of your leg. there are many ways that this can happen and how bad it can get, but the basic meaning of a groin injury is when you have pain in the inside part of your thigh.