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Q: Have small hole in back area of my body when i squeeze it thick smelly white stuff comes out do you know what this is?
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There are very high chances that it is treatable if you have a red nose and when you squeeze it white stuff comes out the pores. This could be acne or rosacea both of which are curable. .

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Inverted nipples are normal for some kids but i dont think the "smelly stuff" is. I think you should get her a checkup.

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Smelly feet

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No. Women with enough estrogen can often express some colostrum.

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Pick their hooves daily for any rocks. Treat for thrush if horses have any (white smelly stuff from moisture).

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Eucalyptus oil

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Sounds like fertilizer.

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My twin sister and I get these all the time. Try looking up keratosis pilaris.

Do all toads give people warts?

no toad gives you warts except cane toads, they give you warts when you squeeze their glands and white puss (or stuff that looks like whip cream) comes out but only small ones on the spot that touched the white stuff. if you want to pick them up all you do is pick them up by their back legs and their butt. :) hope that helped!