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You should talk to your doctor about the headaches sooner rather than later. The longer you are on cymbalta the harsher the withdrawal symptoms from it can be. But cymbalta is known to cause headaches

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Q: Have taken Prozac over 15 years doc put changed to Cymbalta after 5 weeks killer headaches Should you stop Cymbalta?
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Have taken Prozac over 15 years doc put you on Cymbalta after 5 weeks killer headaches Should you stop Cymbalta and go back to Prozac?

I am taking Prozac 60 mg and klonipin 3 mg per day could this cause me to hurt all allover be taking for 15 years...

I have been on Prozac 20mg for 2 weeks now i asked my MD to go on Cymbalta i heard Prozac stays in you system a while can i get serritonin syndrome if i go on Cymbalta right away?

you should be fine.

Does dayquil interfere with Prozac?

No; Dayquil should not interfere with Prozac.

Can you take Cymbalta with fluoxetine?

There is no known interaction between cipro and cymbalta. So you *should* be fine. Note that cymbalta is pretty new, and it's had a checkered past with the FDA, so you really should be having this chat with your doctor who, in turn, should be watching you pretty closely, as cymbalta has quite a few physiological side-effects. This is one I'd very much avoid self-medicating with. Honestly, I've been on Cymbalta now for just over a year, and also have a history of urinary problems which often are improved with Cipro. That said, I was told by my doc never to take cymbalta with cipro as the cipro can increase the effect of the cymbalta markedly (by about 2-3 times). With all of that out of the way - this week I was prescribed cipro for another urinary infection and discussed the potential for interaction with my pharmacist. He told me to take the cymbalta every 2-3 days (I feel like hell without it after ONE day, honestly), and continue as normally for the full seven day course of the cipro. I can live with that - I just wish someone would come up with a better option.

Should Cymbalta thyroxin and morphine be taken together?

can synthroid and cymbalta be taken together

How much is Prozac?

On a health care plan, Prozac should run you no more than $16.99 (for a 30 day supply).

What other painkillers can you take with Cymbalta?

You can shop online Vedobi Ortho and Pain Relief

Can you take Baby Aspirin Toviaz and Cymbalta at the same time or should you spread out over the day?

Toviaz is safe to take with both baby aspirin and cymbalta.

Do you have to wean off lexapro to start taking Cymbalta?

Cymbalta is an SNRI, meaning it increases both serotonin and norepinephrine, while lexapro is an SSRI, meaning it increases only serotonin. These drugs that inhibit the reuptake of neurotransmitters MUST BE SWITCHED GRADUALLY. If switching from cymbalta to lexapro, the physician should induce a "step-down" therapy on the cymbalta while inducing a "step-up" therapy on lexapro. This ensures a level amount of drug in the blood, and minimizes the chance of recurrence and adverse effects.

Why do antidepressants give headaches?

Antidepressants affect brain chemistry and the balance of neurotransmitters which can cause headaches. If your headaches continue, maybe you should switch antidepressants.


You need to consult with a professional physician on this matter.

What should you do if your two year old accidentally took 20mg of Prozac?
