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Q: Have the chupacabra been found in US?
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Where did they see the chupacabra?

Most Chupacabra is found in Puerto Rico, Mexico, Brazil, Southern United States And Northern South America.

What is a chupacabra's natural predator?

This... Chupacabra as you call it.... does not have any predator, as it seems. There have been humans that have killed the Chupacabra. But other than that it seems that nothing is a predator to this so called animal.

Where was the first Chupacabra found?

Chupacabra was found in puerto rico They had let out all the cows so he started to eat them if he would see them you would see bones from them getting eaten up.

Where does the chupacabra really live?

Puerto Rico and US

Where in Mexico do chupacabras live?

Besides the fact that chupacabra is a cryptid as "real" as bigfoot is in the US, sightings have mostly been reported in northern Mexico, close to the US-Mexico border.

How do you spell chupercabera?

The word is spelled chupacabra. A chupacabra is a cryptid often reported have been seen sucking the blood of livestock. It a creature that has been reported to have been seen but there is no scientific evidence to prove that these creatures exist.

Where does the chupacabra live?

Puerto Rico and US

Where is the chupacabra in red dead redemption?

It's found in the eastern area of Mexico.

Does a chupacabra still live in Mexico?

As much as bigfoot still lives in the US.

Who does the el chupacabra effect?

Th el Chupacabra is a mythical creature that is claimed to suck the blood from livestock. It is said to be found in Puerto Rico, Mexico and southern parts of North America.

Who is dulce going to marry?

chupacabra chupacabra

Where did the chupacabra come from?

when a mommy chupacabra and a daddy chupacabra love each other very much......