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Yes, the hunters have killed a wild pig in chapter 3 of "Lord of the Flies." They successfully hunt and kill the pig, marking their first significant achievement in terms of survival skills and providing food for the group.

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Q: Have the hunters killed anything yet in chapter 3 in lord of the flies?
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Who killed the pig in Lord of the Flies?

jack and his hunters

How did human hunters help flies?

They killed all the animals that ate them

What chapter did Ralph escape the hunters while stabbing two boys?

Ralph escapes the hunters while stabbing two boys in Chapter 11 of the book "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding.

What do the hunters chant for the book the lord of the flies for the chapter of four?

Kill the beast. Cut her throat. Spill her blood.

How were the boys communicating in Lord of the Flies chapter 12?

The hunters made an ululating sound by beating their hands against their open mouths.

What are jack and his hunters chanting in chapter 4 in lord of the flies?

In chapter 4 of "Lord of the Flies," Jack and his hunters chant, "Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Spill her blood." This ritualistic chant reflects their descent into savagery and their increasing detachment from civilization and morality. It signifies their growing bloodlust and primal instincts taking over.

In lord of the flies what do the hunters do with the blood of the sow?

They didn't do anything with it. They just let it spill onto the ground.

How does Ralph characterize jack's hunters in chapter 8 the load flies?

In chapter 8 of "Lord of the Flies," Ralph characterizes Jack's hunters as primitive and barbaric, with an emphasis on their violent tendencies and detachment from civilization. He sees them as being consumed by their bloodlust and becoming more savage as they embrace their roles as hunters. Ralph is disturbed by their descent into savagery and the way they prioritize hunting over maintaining the signal fire and runway.

In Chapter 11 Lord of the Flies Answers?

In Chapter 11 of "Lord of the Flies," the boys hold a meeting to discuss the wild beast they fear on the island. They decide to search for it, which leads to a chaotic and violent hunt. The confrontation with the beast ultimately reveals the darkness within themselves as they lose their sense of civilization and morality.

What happens when Ralph wounds the boar in chapter 7 of Lord of the Flies?

In Chapter 4 of "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding, Ralph is mad at Jack because the hunters were supposed to maintain the signal fire. The hunters barely hear or react to Ralph's tongue lashing, more distracted by the joy that they actually caught a pig.

What two options did Ralph think he had for escape in chapter 12 in lord of the flies?

Ralph decided that he could either hide and hope that the hunters went past his hiding place without spotting him or he could break through the advancing line of hunters, hopefully without being spotted.

What would happen in chapter 13 of Lord of the Flies?

In Chapter 13 of "Lord of the Flies," Simon is mistaken for the beast and is brutally killed by the other boys during a frenzied tribal dance. The boys, consumed by fear and chaos, descend further into savagery and darkness. This pivotal event marks a turning point in the novel as the boys' civilization completely collapses and they spiral into a state of anarchy and violence.