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The two are not linked. In most countries your right to vote can only be lost while you are in prison, or are certified as mentally ill.

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Q: Have you lost your right to vote because you lost your right to own a fire arm?
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Related questions

Who should the right to vote be given to?

All capable adults who have not lost the right due to felony

What year did blacks lose the right to vote?

Aboriginals lost the right to vote in 1901 and these rights were not regained until after the Australian citizenship referendum in 1967

Why is the right to vote also a responsibility?

because when you vote you have to be like not coping on someone cause then you cant vote

What rights do I lose in Missouri if convicted of a felony?

When a person is convicted of a felony in the state of Missouri, they lose many rights that are given to people that are not felons. Examples of rights that are lost include the right to vote, and the right to be in possession of a fire arm.

Can the president vote vote for himself?

Yes he can because he has the right to.

Why womens have the right to vote?

Women have a right to vote because they work the same, they are as intelligent as men are, and they are people!!!!!!

Why is it important for people to have the right to vote?

Because the are human and should be able to vote.

Why do people think they don't have to vote?

Because it is a right and you can chose not to vote if you dont want to. You are not required to vote

Why did women get the right to vote?

People have realized that in a democracy, all contributing members of society should get the right to vote. Women should not be discriminated against because of their sex and deserve the right to vote just as men deserve the right to vote.

Why is it important for Aborginal people to have the right to vote?

Because the are human and should be able to vote.

What might happen to our right to vote?

It can be lost without our paying attention to what happens in congress or with the president.

Is it a privilege or a right to vote?