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My son used steroids while he was a child. He is now Six feet four inches tall. (2 meters).

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Q: Have you used steroids while you are growing and still grow after using the steroids or did they stunt your growth?
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Does muscle growth stun growing?

Yes because all of your energy that is usually used for growing is being used for your workouts, if u really want to get fit go out for run do more sports just please don't ruin your body by doing all of this weight lifting in the gym the treadmill's okay but just remember that your still growing and you should look after your body and see the aftermath of certain things you do.

Does heavy lifting stunt your growth?

Heavy lifting will not stunt your growth. Your growth depends mainly upon eating a good diet. Smoking cigarettes is known to stunt the growth of a child, mainly because it reduces appetite and so leads to an inadequate diet.

Do steroids really stunt your growth and if so once you stop taking steroids does your growth resume?

Steroids have been linked to stunted growth, and have also been observed as affecting your body for several years even after the ceasing of taking them.

Does caffeine in general stunt growth?

no, it does not. it is thought to, but it won't stunt your growth! it is still not good for you.

Does Strattera stunt growth?

If children of a young age take Ritalin is has been known to stunt their growth by a few inches to 6 inches.

Does weight lifting too early stunt growth?

No, this is a myth. The idea is that the ends of the bone are still growing, so it could stunt growth if you break a bone. But this is undocumented, and there are too many benefits to lifting to neglect.

Can weightlifting stop your height growth?

No, it does not stunt growth. The ends of the bone are still growing when young, and some people thought that if the bone was broken your growth would be stunted, but this is undocumented. Lifting is very beneficial at all ages.

Does muscle building in any way stunt growth?

no but unless you are 16-18 or you are still growing and going though pubirty then dont over work yourself

Does Lifting waits stop your growth spert?

Contrary to popular belief, lifting weights while you are still growing does not stunt growth. It was believed that breaking a bone could damage the ends of the bones that are still growing, but this is not the case. Strength training has only benefits, if done correctly, whether you are young or old.

What is the definition of stunt?

To hinder from growing to the natural size; to prevent the growth of; to stint, to dwarf; as, to stunt a child; to stunt a plant., A check in growth; also, that which has been checked in growth; a stunted animal or thing., Specifically: A whale two years old, which, having been weaned, is lean, and yields but little blubber.

If you are still growing as in 14 years old would losing 10 pounds stunt your growth?

No it won't stunt your growth. It is common to have people of all ages who are overweight. So loosing excess weight is a good thing. Be sure to follow a proper diet and exercise routine, don't try starving yourself as that is not healthy.

Can lifting weights affect your growing rate if your young?

Contrary to popular belief, lifting weights while you are still growing does not stunt growth. It was believed that breaking a bone could damage the ends of the bones that are still growing, but this is not the case. Strength training has only benefits, if done correctly, whether you are young or old.