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Q: Heat transfers by conduction occurs when molecules?
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What is the basic theory of heat transfer?

Heat transfer occurs by convection, conduction and radiation. In conduction, heat is transferred through collision of rapidly moving molecules. It is only through successive collision of molecules that heat transfers through an object.

How is heat transferred when objects touch?

When objects touch, heat is transferred by the process of conduction. Conduction is when heat transfers when molecules collide!

How is conduction heat transferd?

In conduction, the molecules vibrate. During the process the heated molecule transfers the heat to the neighboring molecules and those to the others. In this way the heat is transferred.

How is heat transferd by conduct?

In conduction, the molecules vibrate. During the process the heated molecule transfers the heat to the neighboring molecules and those to the others. In this way the heat is transferred.

Heat transfers that involves molecules colliding is called what answer immediately please?

Heat transfer that involves molecules colliding is called conduction. Metals are especially conductive materials. Insulators are used to prevent heat loss through conduction.

What transfers thermal energy by the movement of molecules from one place to another in a gas or liquid?

Heat Conduction.

When Heat transfer that occurs when molecules come in contact with one another is?


What does heat do during convection or conduction?

Heat transfers

How is heat transferred within the earth's atmosphere?

Heat in earth's atmosphere is transferred by: Radiation, Conduction, & Convection. ((:

How does heat from a radiator transfer?

The heat energy from the radiator transfers that energy to the air molecules next to it. Those molecules then transfer that heat energy to the molecules next to them. This process continues until all the molecules are at the same energy level. This process is call conduction.

How is conduction heat transferred between hot and cold objects?

Conduction of heat means that two objects with different temperatures are touching each other. The heat of the hotter object generally transfers to the cooler object. In the hotter object, molecules are moving faster. The vibration from these molecules causes the molecules in the cooler object to vibrate faster, which translates into heat.

Which is quicker in transfer of heat - convection or conduction?

Convection is one of the major modes of Heat_transferand Mass_transfer. Convective heat and mass transfer take place through both Diffusionand by Advection, in which matter or heat is transported by the larger-scale motion of currents in the fluid.Convection is faster than conduction. In conduction, transfer of heat occurs by vibration of molecules in a fixed place. Convection, however, occurs by actual movement of molecules facilitating transfer of heat.