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Foreshadowing is a literary technique that provides hints or clues about what will happen later in the story. It creates suspense, builds tension, and engages readers by making them curious about the future events. Foreshadowing can be done through dialogue, description, or events that subtly suggest what might occur later in the narrative.

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Q: Helps readers know what will happen later in the story?
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Foreshadowing is when an author gives you hints about?

Foreshadowing is a literary device where an author hints at future events or outcomes in a story. These hints can create suspense, build tension, and deepen the reader's engagement with the narrative. They can lead readers to anticipate what might happen next in the story.

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The story of Snow White is a fairy tale. All such tales happen in fantasy land, a nowhere place in the readers imagination.

What is the way the authore foreshadows the storys ending?

The author foreshadows the story's ending by dropping subtle hints or clues throughout the narrative that suggest what will happen later on. This can be done through the use of symbolic imagery, recurring themes, or cryptic dialogue that allude to the final outcome of the story. Foreshadowing helps build tension and anticipation for readers as they try to piece together how the story will ultimately conclude.

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Having an helps readers better understand different story components?

Having an outline can help readers better understand different story components by providing a clear structure and sequence of events. It helps organize information, highlight key points, and ensure that the story flows logically and cohesively for readers to follow easily.

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a head line

What is meant when one uses foreshadowing?

Foreshadowing is a literary technique where subtle hints or clues are given early in a story to suggest what will happen later. It creates suspense, builds anticipation, and allows readers to make predictions about the outcome of the story.

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Give them a reason to care about the characters and the story

What does foreshadowing mean in literature?

Foreshadowing in literature is a literary device where the author gives hints or clues about what will happen later in the story. It creates suspense and helps to build tension by suggesting future events. Foreshadowing can help readers anticipate the direction of the plot and adds depth to the storytelling.

Having a n helps readers better understand different story components?

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