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Q: Hen the french landed in Mississippi in 1699 what was the location of that landing?
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What is the name of the place the soldiers landed at in gallipoli?

There were several landing places. The Anzacs landed at a place that soon became known as Anzac Cove. The British landed at Cape Helles and Suvla Bay. The French landed in the Cannakale province across the Dardenelles but later withdrew.

What is the name of Armstrong's lunar module?

The first landing was by the USSR in 1959 when they crashed landed Luna 2. The first soft landing with the aid of rockets came in 1966 when the USSR landed Luna 9 The first manned landing was when the US landed Apollo 11 in 1969

How do you say it landed in french?

il a atterri is how you say "it landed" in French.

How are spacecrafts landed?

By sticking their landing sticks to the moon craters.

What type of action verb is landed?

Nothing is possible. There is just... land,landed,and landing.

What is the name of the landing craft that first landed on the moon?

It is called the Eagle.

Is landing possible on planet venus surface?

Probes have landed on Venus

How is an Apollo landing different to a space shuttle landing?

For a start, 6 Apollos landed on the moon. But on the Earth, the main difference is that the shuttle lands on a conventional runway, the Apollo capsule splash landed in the sea.

How troops landed on Normandy on D day?

The largest number landed on small landing boats, but many by parachute and in large gliders.

How is a Apollo landing different to a space shuttle landing?

The Apollo capsule landed by parachute in the ocean. The shuttle lands like an airplane.

What part of Apollo landed on the moon for the first time?

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What is the name of the place in moon landed by man?

The first landing was in "The Sea of Tranquillity".