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It is called the Eagle.

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Wilburn Weissnat

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Q: What is the name of the landing craft that first landed on the moon?
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What was the name of the landing craft that landed the first men on the moon?

apolo 11 or 1

What was said as the landing craft first landed on the moon?

Apart from technical conversation about the control and status of the flight, "Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed".

Who is the first man who landed on moon?

Neil A. Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin landed on the moon together in July 1969. Armstrong was the first to step out of the landing craft onto the surface, and Aldrin followed him a short time later.

What rocket first landed on the moon?

On September 13, 1959, the Soviet rocket Lunik II hit the Moon. More of a crash than a landing, but it was the first craft from Earth to touch the moon.

Who is the first astronaut who landed in the moon?

Armstrong and Aldrin landed in the same craft, but Armstrong got to set foot on the Moon first.

Moon landing craft?

The Apollo 11 Space astronauts landed on the moon in a space module called "The Eagle". Andrew Rogue (STZ)

What is the date of the first American moon landing?

They landed on the moon on 20th of July 1969.

Is the Eagle a space craft?

Eagle was the lunar module of Apollo 11 that landed on the moon for the first moon landing. All of the moon landings had a lunar module which could separate from the main craft and land on the moon. It could then take off again and dock with the main craft. The different lunar modules were given different names.

What is the name of the first manned craft that landed on the moon?

It is called the Eagle.

What did the Apollo 11 crew do do like what was there action upon landing?

After they landed on the moon, they checked up the craft if all was well. Then they went for their famous moon walk.

What day was when the first man landed on the moon?

The first moon landing was by Apollo 11 on July 20, 1969

What part of Apollo landed on the moon for the first time?

the landing-light sensor...