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Q: Hen you lift a box off the ground gravity opposes your lifting force?
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When you lift a box off the ground gravity opposes your lifting force?

It's because you can't create a force with your muscles that exceeds the forces of gravity attracting the box and the Earth toward each other.

Is the upward force that opposes the force of gravity?

Lift is the upward force that opposes the force of gravity.

When you lift a box off the ground gravity opposes your lifting force true or false?

Well, it's true that the gravitational force acting on the box acts in the direction opposite to the direction of your lifting force, but there's nothing malicious or contrary about it. In fact, the gravitational force was there before you came on the scene, and as you lined up your lift, it was you who decided to oppose it.

The force of gravity opposes what other force?

The force of gravity opposes acceleration away from the source of the gravity. This is expressed as "centrifugal force" or the perpendicular component of a tangential velocity. The balance between these keeps the planets in orbit around the Sun.

Which force opposes gravity?

Any force with an upward vertical component does.

What fluid opposes lift?

Compressible fluid force opposes lift. Lift is the upward force due to the fluid flow around an airplane wing. Weight is a downward force caused by gravity which opposes lift.

Force that opposes motion of surface as it moves across another surface?

the force that opposes the motion of two touching surfaces is velocity.

What force opposes nuclear fusion in the sun?

Gravity pushes in, fusion pushes out.

Does the force of gravity or the friction keep a bicycle on the ground?

The force of gravity keep a bycicle on the ground.

What force opposes gravity when a leaf falls?

Friction and the molecules slowing down the leaf.

What does gravity maen?

gravity means the force that keeps the force up on the ground and the grip on the ground are ruff

Other names for normal force that opposes gravity?

Another name for the normal force could be the force perpindicular to the surface an object is resting on.