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Henry Hudson was an important person of both the U.S.A and Canada. He was the first person to go through the Hudson River in New York that was later to be named after him. He also tried to find the North-West passage ( later to be conqured by Roald Admundson) but went through the Hudson Straight ( Also named after him ) to the Hudson Bay ( Again named after him). His crewmates on his ship were freezing and suffering from scurvy because of the fridgid temperatures and lack of vitamin C. If it wasn't for the First Nations the crew would have died because the First Nations knew how to treat scurvy and make fur coats. After the near death experience Henry was still convinced that he should still find the North-West passage and the crew members were mad by his choice. The crew members tied him, his son and seven other members threw them on the smaller boat and left them to die.

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Henry Hudson is an English explorer.He was born in the 1570's.He set ot on 4 voyages of discovery.

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