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Q: Hercules had to capture a wild bull that was killing people on what island?
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How can people be so inhumane as to capture people and keep them as slaves and kill thousands because of their religion?

By caputuring people, keeping them as slaves and killing them because of their religion.

What happened with Okinawa during World War 2?

The story of Okinawa is a sad one. It took a long time for the Americans and Allied Forces to capture that island because it was the last island for them to capture. The Japanese people had told the residents of Okinawa that the Americans would do horrible things to them if they captured the island. The Okinawans started killing themselves to avoid capture by the Americans. It took time to convince the Okinawans they were not going to be hurt by the American soldiers and Marines. By the time the message became clear thousands had killed themselves and their children. The military story is on the link below.

Why do people chant Hercules Hercules?

because of his strength

How did the people of Greece worship Hercules?

They told stories of Hercules.

How Brutus conquer the albion?

The myth says the sea-god Neptune gave an island to his son Albion and named it after him. Some years later Albion was killed by a visiting Hercules (who sems to have gone around mercilessly killing people everywhere as he pleased). Some years later Brutus arrived and made himself king after killing off various giants living there. The island then had two names - Albion and Britannia (corruption of Brutannia). And the Brits lived happily ever after.

Do some people believe that Hercules actually existed?

Some people feel that there may have been a Hercules.

What does Hercules?

Hercules eats many different things expecially bad people.

How was the Hercules constellation discovered?

people were looking at the stars and said oh that looks like Hercules

Why guns are for protecting people and not for killing people?

Guns are to protect people and not for killing people because killing people for no reason is a crime but killing people to protect your self is not a crime

Did francis drake capture people in Peru?

No. The explorers didn't capture people.

What year did the earthquake of Krakatoa occur?

The island exploded in 1883, killing approximately 40,000 people. It was not an earthquake, but rather a volcanic event.

What did Hercules do to hades?

Hades often aided Hercules in Greek mythology; allowing Hercules to take Cerberus, and to take two people from the realm and up to earth.