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As autotrophic animals are producing their food by themselves using light energy(solar energy) due to presence of pigments chlorophyll ,so they are independent while hetrotrophic animals doesn't have chlorophyll and obtain their nutrition from autotrophic or animals(they are dependent).


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Q: Heterotrophs usually consume autotrophs
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Are plant and animals both heterotrophs?

Green plants are usually autotrophs

Are shrimp autotrophs or heterotrophs?

Sharks do not make their own food through inorganic means, therefore they are considered to be heterotrophs.i think you mixed this up with autograph/ autbiography/ and hetrosexualism.

What is the difference between hetrophic and autotrophic bacteria?

Heterotrophs consume other organisms for energy. Autotrophs use a number of systems including photosynthesis (light to chemical energy), thermal heat or chemical reactions to provide energy (usually archaebacteria in an anaerobic or oxygen free environment)

What do autotroph and heterotroph mean?

Autotrophs are organisms that make their own food, such as plants. their food comes form the sun meaning they use light energy to produce food. Although heterotrophs ultimately get their energy from the sun, but the way they obtain is different. in heterotrophs they obtain energy from the food they consume. For example eating plants that have obtained energy from the sun, or by eating animals that have eaten such plants.

Difference between autotrophs and hetrotrophs?

Autotrophs are organisms that can produce their own food through photosynthesis or chemosynthesis, while heterotrophs rely on consuming other organisms for their food. Autotrophs are typically plants, algae, and some bacteria, while heterotrophs include animals, fungi, and most bacteria.

Is a housefly an autotrophs or heterotrophs?

heterotroph. Autotrophs are producers, they rely on themselves to produce energy usually by photosynthesis or chemiosynthesis. A housefly does not produce its own energy, it relies on feeding on things such as fruit to break down and provide its protein, fats, energy. it needs to feed off of organic substances, therefore it is a heterotroph

Describe the 4 kingdoms that comprise the domain Eukarya?

Animals: Motile heterotrophs that are multicellular and widely dispersed over the earth. Plants: Sessile autotrophs that are multicellular and dispersed widely over the earth. Protists: Comprising both autotrophs and heterotrophs these, generally, single celled organisms are usually found in a watery environment. Fungi: These decomposing, multicelled detritovores are only found on the land where they are reasonably well dispersed.

Are vegetarians the only heterotrophs that get all their energy from plants?

No, vegetarians, or better described, as herbivores in this example, are not the only heterotrophs that get all their energy from plants. All living organisms, including carnivores, also derive energy from plants by eating the herbivores.

Organisms that produce their own food are?

Autotrophs. These organisms can synthesize their own organic molecules by using external energy sources such as sunlight or inorganic compounds. Examples include plants, algae, and some bacteria.

Is animalia an autotroph?

According to whittaker's 5 kingdom classification - its very clear that autotrophs are only plants. Animals can only be heterotrophs. Think of it like this - Monera Protists Fungi Plants Animals Cell Type Prokaryotes |<-----------------Eukaryotes-------------------->| Autotroph Yes Yes but can NO Yes No be heterotrophs also Cell wall Yes No Yes Yes NO No. Of Cells. Unicellular Unicellular MultiCellular MultiCellular MultiCellular Cell level Tissue Level Organ Level

What is the difference between chemosynthetic autotroph and a photosynthetic autotroph?

Chemosynthetic autotrophs use inorganic compounds as a source of energy to produce food, while photosynthetic autotrophs use sunlight. Chemosynthetic autotrophs are typically found in environments with limited sunlight, such as deep-sea hydrothermal vents, while photosynthetic autotrophs are commonly found on the Earth's surface where sunlight is available.

Did heterotrophic prokaryotes evolve before autotrophic prokaryotes?

Archaea were thought to be the most primitive group. However studies of rRNA indicate that an universal ancestor split into 3 lineages. That split led to the Archaea, the bacteria and the Eukaryotes.