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No your not overweight, that is an average weight for your height. Be sure to keep exercising and eating correctly and you will be fine.

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Q: Hi I am 13 and I an 5' .4 I weigh 8 hafe stone I im I over weight?
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If you are eleven and weigh eight stone are you overweight?

you are over weight

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You weigh 9 stone and you are 13 years old is that over weight?

9 stone equals 126 pounds. Depends on the height.

You are a 15 year old girl and weigh 11 stone and 8lb are you over weight?

It depends on your height.

I am 10 and weigh 7 and a half stone neally and I am 4 foot 6 am I over weight?

No you are not over weight, and as you grow you will become leaner naturally. At 10 you should be out enjoying yourself not worrying about being 7 stone.

You are a 15 year old girl you weigh 9 stone you are 5 ft 5 you think you are over weight is it true?

depends on what the "stone" stands for...

I am 4 foot 10 in a hafe i weigh 112 am i over weight.?

No, you're perfectly fine and I'm guessing you're very young so whatever fat you do have is probably "puppy" fat and will reduce as you get taller and hit puberty.

You are 14 years old and you weigh 8 stone 5 you are also 5ft8 are you over weight?

Not at all, half a stone lighter and I'd say you are underweight.

If your a girl 5ft3 and weigh 7.3stone are you over weight or fat?

no i weight 8 stone and im also 5'3. i have some larger body parts; i.e. my thighs, but you definitely are not fat:)No! not at all 8 stone is a perfect weight for 5'3!

Is a girl height 4'10 weighs 135 over weight shes 13?

Yes she is to much over weight if shes 13 because you should only weigh maximum 7 stone.

If im a 16 year old girl how much should you weigh?

You should be about 4 stone and if uur not then uu are over weight by Lyndsey

The heaviest women in the world weigh?

The heaviest woman on record was found in the Guinness World Records in 2016, weighing 1,025 pounds (465 kg). Individuals who are extremely overweight face serious health risks and may require specialized medical care and assistance. It's important for anyone struggling with obesity to seek medical help to address their weight and overall health.