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Maybe just a bruise.

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Q: Hit arm and it swelled up what could if be?
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What could it be if you fell on your arm and it swelled up right away and bruised but could still move it without any pain or limited range of motion but you feel a sharp poking pain when you touch it?

broken arm

What does it mean when your mosquito bite is swelled up?

it could be infected if you have scratched it you could have brocken the skin and infected it it really depends on how swelled it actually is keep monertering it i hope this has helpd

You once shot herion in the veings in your upper arm and your hand swelled up a few days later it went away but.does nebody know what happened?

you got some cotton in ur arm or a particle was injected causing a reaction this is junior, cotton is not the problem . what happend was u got an artery it burned then swelled happens all the time

Past tense of swell?

swelled My toe swelled up last night.

Why is your arm red and swollen after shooting up?

The arm is probably red and swollen after shooting up because the body is rejecting the drug that was injected. It could also be an allergic reaction to the drug. Another reason could be that an artery was hit. The only way to know for sure is to seek the advice of a physician.

How can you tell if you have hit a nerve while shooting up in your arm?


You were hit in the eye with a glass bottle - you have a black eye and your forehead has swelled up - what should you do its very painful?

Apply ice to the injured area and take ibuprofin for the pain.

How do you beat up your younger sister?

Get the TV remote control and hit her hard in the arm!

A two pound candle fell off a shelf and hit you in the forehead it swelled up in seconds to the size of baseball it hurts and you have a bad headache should you go to the er?

yes now

What does it mean if your tonsils are red and kond of swelled up and it has a white dot on them?


What does it mean when the place between your jaw and ear hurts and swelled up?


What can you do to get rid of the swelling and pain if you hit your forehead and it swelled up and your eyes and nose are all swollen?

Get a bag of frozen peas and wrap it in a damp tea towel and pop it on for 5 minutes at a time that will help reduce swelling and pain. Also you could take some anti-inflammory painkillers.