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Get a bag of frozen peas and wrap it in a damp tea towel and pop it on for 5 minutes at a time that will help reduce swelling and pain. Also you could take some anti-inflammory painkillers.

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Q: What can you do to get rid of the swelling and pain if you hit your forehead and it swelled up and your eyes and nose are all swollen?
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Hit top of forehead on the hairline and now the entire forehead eyes and nose are swollen what could be the cause its been getting worse for 2 days now?

You'd better see a doctor.

Can paint fumes cause swollen eyes?

Not sure, but I do know that I painted my bathroom yesterday and woke up with swelling around my eyes for the first time in my life!

Could a scalp sunburn cause forehead and eye swelling?

no YES...the sun can cause swelling in your forehead and eyes..Ive seen it many times.Theres not much you can do except to ice it and wait it out.Some people have a reaction to the sun even if they never have before..your body reacts with fluid build up.

Can you use tea bags on horses eyes?

yes you can, and its good for the eye if it is swollen or infected. Reduces swelling and cleans all at one time.

Is it normal for eyes and nose to swell after a forehead bump that is getting better?

Yes. Like a normal bruise, blood vessels under the skin have burst and create the swelling. In the case of the forehead, skin is more tightly held against the skull than in most other parts of the body, so any swelling is very noticable. It is also easier to damage the blood vessels since there is less 'padding'.

Your whole left side of face is swollen your eye swelled shut it started as a pimple on eyebrow but in 2days the swelling is making its way across nose to other eye you have a headache an a 10 in pain?

It's probably because you are allergic to something or when you're out and you come back home, you don't wash your hands and you put it all over your eyes, nose and entire face.

How long does it take for swelling on your forehead goes away after a hard hit on cement?

First, swelling is a good sign, it means fluid is not building up inside your brain. It may take several hours to decrease. Be aware of dizziness or slurred speech, this may be a sign of a concussion. Based on personal experience, swelling on the forehead will go down after a day or two, but then the area around the eyes will swell as this is where the blood drains to. After about 4 days, the swelling will fade away.

What are the red swollen bumps under eyes?

have you been bitten by a insect wealsi have glands all over our face could possibly be a swollen gland do you feel under the weather or is you whole face swelling if so consult you gp.

Used a product on forehead that have not used before and forehead swells and now the inside corners of eyelids are swollen?

You are obviously having a reaction to the product you used. Over the counter remedies may help but if this persists and especially near your eyes you may want to see your doctor to be safe.

What is the function of a gorillas forehead?

To protect its eyes

What is forehead of cow?

The forehead of a cow is the part above the eyes and between the ears on the head of a bovine.

How do you spell farhead?

The likely word is "forehead" (face above the eyes).