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Hitler wanted to spread the German rule about the Nazi ideal. Nazi stand for National Socialism.

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Q: Hitler wanted to spread german rule to include all of which content?
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Hitler soon spread his destructive power to what country?

Hitler soon spread his destructive power to Poland.

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Hitler soon spread his destructive power to Poland.

Did Hitler have any fears?

Hitler was a Human so he definitely feared something. Adolf Hitler was a great speaker and only made speeches to motivate the German people. He did not talk about what he feared. We do know that Hitler feared the spread of communism. He also feared torture which is why he killed himself, to avoid being tortured by Russian soldiers.

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How did Hitler control life in Germany?

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Yes, Amul cheese spread can be substituted for cream cheese, but beware it has a higher salt content. Other substitutions include blended cottage cheese and plain yogurt.

Hitler's popularity among the German people based mainly on media and propaganda?

In a way yes and no. Hitler acquired his popularity through his speaches that won him over. He traveled and gave improptu speaches which promised everyone something and Hitler became very popular for this. The propoganda helped spread his beliefs of anti-semitism and it made racism almost the norm for the German people. This propoganda allowed him to succesfully have cooperation and make people support the war.

When did Hitler come to power in Germany what messge did Hitler spread?

Hitler came into power in 30th January 1933 but I'm not sure what message he said

How did racist theories shape Hitler's social policies?

Adolf Hitler was obsessed with race. Hitler spread his beliefs in racial purity and in the superiority of the Germanic race.

How did the Nazis dehumanize Jews?

Actually it was all in Hitler's mind. With his speech powers he spread his thoughts to all the military and Germans as well. Hitler spread the word that Jews, in the evolving scale, are next to apes.