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overwhelmingly white and male.

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Q: Holders of political office in the US today are usually?
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Must candidates for political office in the US today pledge to reform the Electoral College?


What is the term of office for representatives in the What is the term of office for representatives in the Roman Republic?

There were no 'representatives' in today's sense of the political term. There was a senate to which were appointed ex-consuls and ex-tribunes of the plebs after their term of office had expired.

Candidates for political office in the US today must?

C. promise to abide by term limits, and seek no more than two terms

How do the wealthy influence politics in the US today?

they usually help to fund political candidates campaigns thus affecting the outcome of elections and thus political ideaologies that are spread through the government.

How do political parties relate to today?

They are in control of the political process.

What day is January 20 on if the president-elect usually takes the oath of office privately and then repeats the ceremony in public on Monday?

today is the 20th

Is it correct sentence that I am today present in office?

I am present in the office today.Today, I am present in the office.

What is the approximate yearly profit for slave holders today?

Slavery is illegal so the profit would be zero.

What are two major political parties in the political parties today?

republicans and democrates

What is 'I am in the office today' when translated from English to French?

"I am in the office today!" in English is Aujourd'hui, je suis au bureau! in French.

What is the major political party today?


Where can I buy cell phone holders for a car?

You can buy a cell phone holder for a car off of Amazon or Ebay. Some people will sell discounted cell phone holders for a very reasonable price. Check out their websites today.