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Q: Homonyms sentence of knight - night?
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How do you correct did you see the lost kingdom on television last knight?

The correct sentence is: Did you see The Lost Kingdom of television last night. 'Knight' is changed to 'night' because 'knight' is a knight in armor.

What is the homonyms of there their in a sentence?

Their house is there.

What is a sentence using a homonym?

The wind was too strong, so I had to wind up my kite to keep it from blowing away.

What is the homonyms of reed and read in a sentence?

Course and

What is the homonyms of die and dye in a sentence?

Homonyms are words that sound the same, such as die and dye, but are spelt differently.

What words refers to a medieval soldier--Knight Knight Night night?

The answer is "Knight".

Homonyms in sentence?

homonym has a diffrent diffintion than synomyn

Can you give 10 examples of homonyms with sentence?

Bark: The dog's bark is loud. / The tree's bark is rough. Bat: I saw a bat in the cave. / Can you hand me the baseball bat? Match: Can you light a match? / Do these socks match? Saw: I saw a bird in the tree. / Can you hand me the saw? Tear: She had a tear in her eye. / Please tear the paper in half. Watch: I like to watch movies. / Can you wear my watch? Right: Turn right at the next intersection. / Is that the right answer? Light: The room was dark until I turned on the light. / The feather was light as a feather. Scale: The fish scale gleamed in the sun. / Please step on the scale to weigh yourself. Bear: A bear was spotted in the forest. / Can you bear the weight of this burden?

How can you use the homonyms weigh and way in a sentence?

i weigh myself on the way

What is the homonyms of might and mite in a sentence?

A mite might make you itch.

The word nightly put in a sentence?

The knight rode of valiantly into the night.

Is it sterling night or knight?

Sterling Knight.