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Q: Hormones and secretions of the nervous system are chemical messengers that?
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What is the chemical messenger of the nervous system?

There are three kinds of chemical messengers in the nervous system: Neurotransmitters, endorphins and hormones. 1) Neurotransmitters are released by transmitting neurons. They alter the activity of the receiving neurons. Note that neurotransmitters exist outside of the nervous system as well. Some neurotransmitters are: Serotonin, dopamine, acetylcholine, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), norepinephrine (also a hormone) and glutamate. 2) Endorphins help in pain reduction, pleasure and even memory. 2) Hormones are affects the functioning of organs and are released by glands. Some hormones include: Melatonin, oxytocin, adrenal hormones (cortisol, epinephrine, norepinephrine) and sex hormones (androgens, estrogens and progesterone).

All about nervous and endocrine system?

The endocrine system helps regulate and maintain various body functions by synthesizing (making) and releasing hormones, chemical messengers.- Daniel Martinez =]

What is the name for chemical messengers?

Neurotransmitters are the chemical messengers of the body, transmitting impulses from one nerve cell to another. Many different types of neurotransmitters are known today, and imbalances associated with these small molecules have been blamed for a range of disorders of the nervous system. Hope this helps!

Are Hormones produced by the ductless glands of the endocrine system?

No,endocrine glands are Ductless.Exocrine glands are the ductile glands.

Why is the conduction of impulses slow in autonomic nervous system?

Because there is no need for a fast transmission, in most cases, of the chemical messengers (hormones). Therefore, the nerve cells are unmyelinated and send their signal in a continuous transmission.

What advantage does the nervous system have over the endocrine system?

The messages of the nervous system are relayed by nervous impulses, which are very fast and short-acting. In contrast, the messages of the endocrine system are sent via chemical messengers (hormones) distributed by the circulatory system. This distribution in your blood is much slower than the electrical impulses of the nervous system.

How does the endocrine system receive messages?

The message of endocrine glands consists of the chemical secretions known as hormones that are made by the endocrine system's ductless glands. Hormones are secreted into blood for their transportation to target organs, which are their specific site of action.

difference between endocrine and nervous system?

These two systems use different transmitters, which are chemical messengers called hormones in the endocrine system, and neurotransmitters that are followed by electrical impulses in the nervous system. The two paths that these two devices use are also completely different. Hormones travel throughout the body through the blood, while neurons transmit information through the nervous system

Secretion of these are regulated by signals from the nervous system and chemical changes in the blood?


What system in your body controls hormones?

The body system that controls the production of hormones is the Endocrine System.The Endocrine System is a collection of glands in the body which secrete hormones (also known as chemical messengers) that are then transported in the blood to reach the target organs. The hormones are used to regulate cell or organ activity.I believe it is the endocrine system-- though there are different organs that can produce hormones as well.

How does the endocrine system compare to the nervous system in regulating homeostasis?

Nervous System mainly the hypothalamus secretes different relasing and inhibiting hormones that controls the secretions of various hormones from anterior pituitary as well as secretes two important neuro-hormones viz. oxytosin and vasopressin. thus nervous system along with endocrine system works together to maintain homeostasis.

What is the Difference between nervous coordination and chemical coordination?

Nervous coordination works through the nervous system of organisms - the network of neurons and such. Chemical coordination is hormonal control, and it works through the release of hormones into the blood to flow to target receptor cells.