

Housebreaking a dog

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13y ago

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do u have a dog or a puppy well anyway you can buy puppy grass that the dog/puppy will pee on like grass outside..... older dog I'm not so sure about did the best i could.

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Q: Housebreaking a dog
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What does housebreaking a dog mean?

Is when a dog needs to go to the bathroom outside, not inside

I've got a Red Nose Pit Bull and I want free advice on how to house train her?

There are many places to get free advice to help you housebreak your puppy or dog. Most dog training books have at least one chapter that's dedicated to housebreaking and there are even a few books that are exclusively about housebreaking. If you go to the library, you'll have free access to plenty of good housebreaking information. The internet is also a great resource for free housebreaking advice. You can search online for the general term "housebreaking" or you can search for a more specific problem like "dog pees overnight". Search for websites that offers complete housebreaking instructions and forums where you can get free advice from dog trainers about your housetraining problems. You might also want to contact the breeder you got your dog from. Usually breeders are happy to give some tips to be sure you're training your dog properly.

Where can one find books on housebreaking a dog?

Your local library is a great place for finding books about housebreaking your dog. If you would like to purchase a book you will find that Amazon has over 200 different books on the subject. You can even read the reviews about each one to find out which one would give the most helpful information for your situation.

How 4 month old dog is still peeing in the house why?

The dog isn't housebroken yet. You have to be patient and continue to work on housebreaking by being consistent with training.

What are synonyms for burglary?

theft, break-in, housebreaking

What are the advantages associated with dog training pads?

Dog training pads protect one's floor from urination and droppings. Housebreaking a dog can take time and a training pad can prevent stains and messes during the process. It can also be valuable for those with older dogs that have trouble holding it in.

What actors and actresses appeared in Housebreaking - 2012?

The cast of Housebreaking - 2012 includes: Jenny Keto as Mia Garry Peters as Troy Manny Rey as Caesar Drew Whelpley as Paul

Do you have any feelings about crates are they a bit cruel?

Some people worry that crate confinement is cruel, but if you do it right, your dog won't see it that way at all. In fact, crates make housebreaking a simple task.

What are some good tips for selecting a dog training school?

Before choosing a dog training program you must first determain what you would like to accomplish with your dog. Does your dog need improvement with social skills, obedience or housebreaking? Do you want general obedience or specialized schooling for a service dog? Your local veterinarian or high quality pet stores will be able to lead you to local trainers. Always ask for references that you can verifiy.

Why are small dogs difficult to housebreak?

Simple answer: small dog = small bladder They just can NOT "hold it" as long.More complicated answers:1. Some people are just not as diligent with housebreaking a small dog. Reason is because if full-grown a Chihuahua has an accident it's easy to clean; if a full-grown German Shepherd has an accident it's a huge mess!2. People are more likely to "paper train" smaller dogs first...this makes full housebreaking take longer.3. People are more likely to"spoil" a smaller dog vs. a larger dog.4. Some people (idiots really) don't have a clue how to housebreak ANY dog .... they use "old fashioned"methods like hitting or "rubbing the nose in the mess".This does NOT housebreak a dog!! It only makes them afraid so that they hide somewhere in the house when they have to "go".... and a small dog can more easily "hide" a mess than a big dog.

What should you do if your dog is not potty trained at 5 months old?

If you contact, they will send you a housebreaking guide. u could also try crate traning it thats what they do......they send u a housebraking guide of crate and outside training!!!!

How To Choose a Dog Cage?

There are many different reasons to crate a dog. The most important of course is to protect your dog from its environment, and to protect your environment from your dog. There are also many benefits to caging your dog. Choosing a dog cage and having it ready to go before bringing home the newest addition to your family is an important step in preparing for its arrival. With a little research and the tips provided below for choosing a dog cage, you should have no trouble selecting a home for your dog. As mentioned, there are several proven benefits to buying a dog cage for your companion. Training and housebreaking are two such benefits. While training a dog, it is nice to have a place where he or she can go to relax when they are tired of training. You can also work on a command like ’place’, ’go to bed’, ’kennel’ or ’cage’, so your dog knows that it is time to return to its cage. And using a cage makes housebreaking a snap. Training your new dog where and when it should potty is easy with a cage, because it is genetically ingrained in your dog that it should not mess where it lays. After establishing your dog’s cage as its den, it will do everything it can to not to go the bathroom in there. You should not feel stressed about caging your dog. To the dog it is not a prison, but a comfortable and familiar den where it can feel safe and protected from the world. When choosing a dog cage, be sure and select a heavy gauge wire mesh cage to provide maximum ventilation. After ventilation, the most important factor in choosing a dog cage is the size. The size of the dog cage should be only 1 1/2 times the length of your dog when full grown. There should be just enough room to stand, turn around, and lie down comfortably. This will help with housebreaking. There are cages with movable walls that can grow with your pet; otherwise you may need to buy different cages as your dog grows. Or you could fashion a temporary wall out of plywood or other material. Follow these few simple tips for choosing a dog cage and your pet will be happy for many years to come.