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Q: How Communication can break down when?
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What is communication breakdown?

we just stopped talking to each other

What are negative effects of modern means of communication?

Some negatives about modern day communication includes the lack of physical interaction and a break down in communication. People can overcome this by talking and visiting with each other.

What color is associated with communication?

If you want to break it down based on the system of Chakras. The throat chakra which is associated with communication works well with the stone turquoise. So I believe that Blue can be considered a color associated with communication.

How can a settings influence the kind of the communication that's takes place?

Location Affect Effective communication, concerning environmental contexts like location, depends on comfort. If someone is uncomfortable in their environment, communication might break down, which produces barriers to the effectiveness of the message and how it's received or delivered.

How does communication break down in Melinda's family?

Communication breaks down in Melinda's family due to a lack of open and honest dialogue. Issues are avoided or ignored, leading to misunderstandings and emotional distance among family members. Additionally, differences in values and priorities contribute to the breakdown in communication.

Advantage and disadvantages of communication models?

communication modelstry to break down the whole process inn order to make it easier to understand.They are not always as simple as they seem to be.For it may be difficult for one to know how it works.

What is the main action of the mouth?

To break down food and to facilitate language and verbal communication. The mouth also provides an additional hole in breathe oxygen through.

What is communication break down?

Communication breakdown is when a failure or disruption occurs in the process of transmitting and receiving information between two or more parties. This can result in misunderstandings, conflicts, or lack of clarity in the message being conveyed. Effective communication is essential for smooth interactions and collaborations.

What was the cause of the break up?

probablly bad communication.

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