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When the cell isn't dividing, DNA is found in chromosomes within the nucleus. During this phase, which is called interphase, DNA is called chromatin but isn't visible, even under a microscope.

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9y ago
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12y ago

The cell is in interphase and it does whatever its function is. This changes depending on the cell. Most cells also prepare for mitosis in this stage. The actual DNA is used for transcription and translation to make proteins.

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13y ago

First of all, there is no such thing as a DNA cell. DNA is a long sequence of nucleotides rather than a cell.

Also, DNA does not divide, it replicates. For example, whenever a cell is about to divide, DNA polymerase comes and starts the replication process. That way, the new cell will also have a copy of the DNA.

Usually, when DNA is not being replicated (or translated, etc) it is being packaged into chromatin. Chromatin is what makes up chromosomes. This is the way DNA is stored in our cells.

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DNA is found in the cell Nucleus and in the Mitochondria.

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Information for the operation of the cell is encoded in linear structures called?

DNA is threadlike, but it's packaged into chromatin when the cell is operating normally and chromosomes when the cell is dividing.