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Q: How Does Soap Bubbles Affect Air Temperature?
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Related questions

Why does bubbles formed from soap?

Bubbles are formed from soap when they are mixed with water and there is air. When air is present and water is mixed with soap, bubbles will definitely form.

How does air temperature affect soap bubbles and how long they last?

Yes, it does last longer in hot water because of the humidity.

What makes soap foamy?

you rub it in your hands Air. Foam is created by tiny bubbles of air in the wet soap.

Is an independent variable in an experiment?

It's what you change to do your experiment. Say your doing an experiment like my friend Kristen Maxine Rogers is doing: Does air temperature affect how long soap bubbles last, her independent variable would be the different temperatures.

Which dish soap has the longest bubbles?

dawn has the most dish soap bubbles...hope i helped u

Why do soap bubbles sink?

Soap bubbles sink because they have no air to make them keep floating, so therefore they tend to automatically fall onto surface.

Do soap bubbles last longer in warm or cold air?

My answer is, that there are air bubbles in the bottom of it, (WHEN ITS BOILING) Than those air bubbles rise to the top, & That's how hot water bubbles more than cold water.

Why is soap much more dense than a sponge?

A sponge has air bubbles.

What makes the soap feel soapy?

There is no chemical reaction. Lathering is just air bubbles getting trapped inside the liquid. Soap has a high surface tension, and so if you introduce air bubbles inside it, they tend to stay for a while (unlike water for instance, where the air bubble won't stay for long and will just rise to the surface and fall out). This is also why you can blow soap bubbles (but not water bubbles).

Does air temperature affect humidity?

How does temperature affect humity? The mount of water vapor that air can hold depends on the temperature of the air.

Does the temperature of the tennis ball affect the air?

The temperature of the ball does not affect the surrounding/outside air, but it does affect the air inside the ball.

What kind of gas is in the soap bubbles?

Only air (containing nitrogen, oxygen, argon, etc.).