

How Egyptians reach after life?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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first the body must be mummified. and pictures or replicas made of food be put in their tumbs. and things from their jobs that htey had put in so that they can live well in the afterlife. the egyptians get to their afterlife using the book of the dead. it was a book that had spells, and other things that helped because the egyptians believed that the dead had to get through many bad places with things such as monsters. with the help of the book of the dead they could get past them. then they reached the gatekeepers and had to know their names. after that they had to tell their life to a panel of 14 judges everything good and bad. once they did that they saw the god Anubis who takes the dead to a scale where their heart is weighted agaist the feather of truth. if the deads heart is as light as the feather they may go on to their afterlife. if the heart is heavier than the feather then the god ammit with the crocodile head and hippopatmus legs eats the heart and the soul dissappears forever.

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