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it helps me do my proposals

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Q: How English language help you in the practice of your profession?
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Related questions

Where can I find class to practice for an esl praxis exam?

The website can help you practice for you English as a Second Language Exam. Good luck!

Why does English help you in being a lawyer?

If it is the language of the country it which you practice law it would be a benefit to be able to communicate effectively.

Are there any online english practice tests?

Yes, there are options for your friend for finding english practice tests to help her pass her English literacy test. Language translator sites can also be helpful in this process. Textbooks with practice tests are available at sites such as Amazon and Ebay.

I am under confident in English even my teacher said so what can I do to get confidence?

experience is the only thing that will help ... so practice, practice, practice. i know a second language (french) and that was how i got confident in it - practice, and experience

What is ethical practice?

Ethical practice is to honor the beliefs, morals and values of your profession and to help others through the process of unbiased decision making.

What is 'Can you help us with your language' when translated from English to Italian?

Help-a us-a with-a your language-a

Is there a CD that will teach you to speak English fluently?

Yes, there are several CDs and language learning programs available that can help you improve your fluency in English. However, fluency in any language requires regular practice and immersion in real-life situations. CDs can be a useful tool but should be supplemented with other forms of language practice such as conversation partners, language exchange programs, and exposure to English media.

How can you study English?

To study English, you can start by practicing regularly through reading books, watching English movies or shows, and listening to English music. Additionally, taking English language courses, working with a tutor, or using online resources like language learning apps can provide structured learning opportunities. Finally, practicing speaking and writing in English with native speakers or language exchange partners can help improve your language skills.

What are the Foreign sources in the English language?

Foreign sources in the English language refer to texts or materials written in a language other than English. These could include books, articles, websites, or documents that have been translated into English for a wider audience. Foreign sources provide valuable perspectives and insights from different cultures and regions around the world.

What language does help people learn?

Education and learning can be facilitated by utilizing various languages, such as English, Spanish, French, or any other language that the individual is comfortable with and that provides access to resources and information. The choice of language can impact comprehension and engagement in the learning process. It is important to select a language that best supports the learner's needs and objectives.

What importance is English as a language at home?

English is a very useful language to know, because it is widely spoken all over the world as a first or second language, and because of many great works of art, in the form of books, movies, songs, etc., that exist in English, however, if you would rather speak another language at home, there is no reason not to do so. If you are trying to learn English then of course, any practice that you get will help you with that process. Perhaps you can speak another language at home but also read English language books.

What is the British English word for help?

help is help. It's the same language.