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Gaussian Blur blurs image but you can use it to soften mask edges and to create different effects like Glamour glow.

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Q: How Gaussian filter is used in image processing?
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Hardwares used in image processing?

The signal processing hardware can be used for image processing also. DSP processors like TMS 6713 can be used in image processing also. The hardware is required for image capture also.

What do you mean by gaussian?

The Gaussian distribution is the same as the normal distribution. Sometimes, "Gaussian" is used as in "Gaussian noise" and "Gaussian process." See related links, Interesting that Gauss did not first derive this distribution. That honor goes to de Moivre in 1773.

What is the use of gaussian elimination in education world situations?

Gaussian elimination is used to solve systems of linear equations.

Difference between Digital image processing and computer graphics?

There is always a confusion among the newbies about the difference between Image Processing and Computer Graphics. Unless specifically mentioned , Computer Graphics is all about Synthesizing a new image from Geometry , Lighting parameters , Materials and Textures . The Emphasis is on Digital Image Synthesis. Image Processing is the process of manipulating an image acquired through some device . The image too often will be acquired from photographs,scanners , medical equipments. The emphasis is on Analysis and Enhancement of the image. Computer Vision is an area where Image Analysis is used a lot. Raster Operations dominate in the case of image processing. In the case of Computer Graphics , you will mix vector and raster operations to generate the final image.

What is global threshold in image processing?

Global thresholding is a method used in image processing to segment an image into foreground and background regions based on a single threshold value. It involves selecting a threshold value that separates pixel intensities into two classes, typically using a histogram of the image intensities. Pixels with intensities above the threshold are classified as foreground, while those below are classified as background.

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What is Gaussian low pass filter?

Gaussian low pass filter is a image smoothing filter which is used to smooth up a digital image...........

What are the special filters used in image processing?

pre filter post filter, weister filter ,mean filter meridian filter

What is 'Invert filter' in image processing?

'Invert filter' in image processing is a technique that reverses the colors of an image. It changes dark areas to light and light areas to dark, creating a negative effect. This filter is often used for creative purposes or to enhance certain features in an image.

Hardwares used in image processing?

The signal processing hardware can be used for image processing also. DSP processors like TMS 6713 can be used in image processing also. The hardware is required for image capture also.

What is an image in digital image processing?

It is something composed from pixels or vectors (if vector graphic processing is used by the application).

What is meant by a kernel in image processing?

A kernel is defined as a small central part of something. In the case of image processing it is a tool used to edit the image by sharpening, blurring , embossing it, and so on.

Where is the IIR filter used?

IIR Filter is one of the Digital Filters .it is used mostly in Audio Signals Processing

Wausau Image RPS?

A software platform that is used in payment processing.

What do you mean by gaussian?

The Gaussian distribution is the same as the normal distribution. Sometimes, "Gaussian" is used as in "Gaussian noise" and "Gaussian process." See related links, Interesting that Gauss did not first derive this distribution. That honor goes to de Moivre in 1773.

How do you blur out only a part of a picture for free?

Go to and you can edit any photo you have on your computer in any way. You can also blur a picture using iPhoto on Mac computers.

What software is used for image processing?

There are a wide variety of software companies that specialize in image processing. For example, RegiStax, Media Cybernetics, and Tameran are all companies which develop this software.

What is meant by mean square error in digital image processing?

The mean square error is used as part of the digital image processing method to check for errors. Two MSEs are calculated and then compared to determine the accuracy of an image.