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Q: How Humans stay on the ground?
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Does groundwater stay underground for a few days?

ground water in known to stay in the ground for hundreds or even thousands of years. (>,")>

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stay away

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because humans have no need for it and we would probably be then rooted into the ground

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How do you grasshoppers have babies?

They lay eggs and the babies go into the ground and stay there until they are eproximuntly 7 yrs. old, which is 13 for humans. Then they pop up out of the ground. When they do, we have summer, and its very humid.

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If a cheetah would race a gibbon who would win?

Cheetah..Gibbons are not that fast on the ground..Humans can outrun them..Humans can outrun any ape on the ground.

How long do ground molecules stay in the ground?

Anywhere from days to thousands of years